
To borrow a phrase from a bygone clusterfuck, not so much a grain of salt as a rock of crack. She’s flat-out lied about so many things at this point that there’s no reason to give her the benefit of the doubt on anything, especially stories about her own persecution and victimhood.

As someone who went to high school there, I can’t think of any way of describing it other than this is the most Spokane thing I’ve seen in a while. I wish I was surprised. I have to say “offensive and hilarious” is a great descriptor for Spokane. It should really be the city motto.

Would YOU wanna be the person who questioned the racial credentials of the new president of your NAACP chapter? How bad would you look if you were wrong? I think there was plenty of talk but no one wanted to be that person who asked her if she was really black.

I live in this area and, yes, there are very few black people here (although Spokane certainly has more than Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where this woman used to work). You described this perfectly. It's offensive and hilarious.

Jesus fucking christ. Maybe he can help Huckabee write his next book, Guns, Grits, Gravy, and Groping Grade-Schoolers

Maggie Gyllenhaal may not have the kind of beauty that bad, unimaginative Hollywood casting directors are looking for, but she’s incredibly compelling to look at, and oh man is she sexy. Like really deeply, dirtily sexy. I’m three episodes into The Honourable Woman, and there are a couple of scenes with Gyllenhaal and

“He’s dead, Doctor?”

You know someone is much beloved when they are 93 and people have no concept at all that they could die.

Fuck you.

Melissa McCarthy is great, not really sure why you’re comparing the two.

I feel like that’s crossed the boundary from nose hair to nose-mustache.

I have a toddler and a 6mo, sympathy cries are the worst. You’re tying to comfort one and the other is crying just for the sake of it.

I know. It is not just lust but other emotions you have to put aside for later when you’re not working. I get so annoyed by my coworkers but I still have stuff to do so those feelings have to go off to the side until I'm done.

1. Either a nanny is raising the child and Molly has only seen her child six times (and it cried to be given back to the nanny), or,

Oh, my goodness, no! If ever we “crack up,” it’s because we’re charmed by the eccentric reading tastes of some patrons (e.g., a patron who regularly requests novelizations of a certain early 2000s-era teen drama series that aired on the WB). I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed any library staff person describe a

I’m a librarian. We don’t care what you read—we’re just happy you’re reading. Promise :)

I think you just blue his cover.