
Finally the reason Denton said we need burners has arrived.

I created this account, so I could comment anonymously. If this ever gets tied back to me, I would be in serious trouble. In any case, the ‘rumor’ is absolutely true. He had an affair with a MARRIED intern on set. They made no effort to hide anything, and the intern flaunted it in the face of the other interns/staff.

The “Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory” myth is so fucking irritating. Many PP locations don’t even offer abortion services. I used to go to PP for my regular gyn services because I couldn’t afford anything more and didn’t have health insurance. They’re not perfect, but they are a much needed resource.

Yes. Planned parenthood is a hundred thousand billion times better at explaining options.

At the end of my pregnancy, I kept having my doctor reassure me that the craziest things were “perfectly normal.” “Doc, I look like I’m walking on two enormous marshmallows instead of feet, I’m hungry all the time but can’t eat without severe heartburn, and I get winded walking more than ten feet. Also, I'm speaking

Preach. I’m pregnant with my fourth child (yes, I’m crazy) and I keep going into my doctor with new problems and she’s like “Well yeah. That’ll happen.” Dude. I have read much and experienced much and I still don’t know shit. Tell people these things!

Planned Parenthood will give you actual facts and does not encourage women to do one thing or another, leaving the choice up to the woman. Most Planned Parenthood facilities don’t provide abortions, but they will refer you to someplace you can have one if you want one.

Yes, Planned Parenthood is infinitely better. It’s not an abortion factory; it’s an organization devoted to women’s health.

This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk

This is why I keep my wording limited on Jez, every single word you use will and can be used against you. That and there’s a serious lack of sense of humor in this community.

This is such a good picture. It looks so intimate and serene. And that dog, he (she?) looks so proud. Like a proud Dad with his necktie.

You go, Chandler Bing.

Yes, I’m sure it has potential to be a good movie, but it’s NOT Jem. Why not just make a stand alone movie for this plot / feel and make a Jem movie that truly captures what everyone was hoping for. I don’t doubt young girls will love this. But they would’ve loved it without calling it Jem and the Holograms.

Yes, she and her sister ran it after their father died from cancer (and their mother died previously). That’s why they formed their band with other housemates - to raise money to keep it running.

It seems like they’re trying to draw in both ‘80s babies who loved the show, and teens who think YouTube celebs are interesting. FAIL. Ugh.

You are so cute I want to punch you in the face.

Oh, and a fine more than twice as much, $1800, plus a few days picking up trash on the side of the freeway, plus I had to go to 18 AA meetings. Put the fear of athena in me though. Haven’t gotten a single moving violation since....