

oh girl I am SO sorry. I wish I could tell you that I did something magic to feel better. Take Tylenol. There's also a cough medicine that's safe for preggers (I can't remember the name). My husband had it at the same time as I did and we snuggled in bed and watched a LOT of Netflix. Also, pho. Pho helps. Hang in

last January I got the flu when I was pregnant. I don't think I left my bed for almost two weeks. And since I was pregnant, all I could take was Tylenol, which is garbage medicine. At one point I was curled up on the floor crying.

sounds like you got the common cold

Haha! I didn't see mine, but my husband was in the delivery room next to me and they put the placenta on one of those surgery rolling tables next to him. He looked horrified and one of the nurses rolled it away from him. But somehow in the commotion it ended up getting rolled back toward him. He was like, "augh, it

Interesting. I'm usually always cold, but last year when I was pregnant I was constantly overheating. It was the weirdest thing.

We'll just have to play fortissimo I guess

But if you ban it how will I know when to play loud?

Aw, dammit. Crying now.

Yeah, that's by far the most I've ever paid for something I put on my feet. They *are* glorious, though.

Gurrrl, get your Fryes from 6pm. I got a $350 pair for $180. That's brand new. Same price they were going for used on eBay. I have to limit my visits to that website because I want ALL THE THINGS.

It's also Neil Patrick Harris's daughter's name!

"We don't believe it's a sin to have feelings for someone of the same sex, just acting on it is a sin."

Thanks for this. I learned a lot.

Yep! It was a Seattle beer since the 1800s. Now it's owned by Pabst, but it's still beloved by Northwesty people. It's kind of the Seattle hipster Lumbersexual version of Pabst?

No, I meant Rainier!

I JUST WATCHED THAT ONE. Dude killed a guy and was living in his house, paying his bills and sending birthday cards to the dead guy's family.

I like it but it makes me think of beer. So...actually, yeah, it's awesome.

Also he hates fruit pies. That's some bullshit right there.