
That's basically the entire reason I got married.

I bet I can guess what's in the box...

Am I the only one who doesn't see a crazy sex position?

Thanks!! :)

Okay last time, I promise, but I am trying to spread the word about the Black Friday sale in my Etsy shop. I'd be grateful it you stopped by and took a peek.

Thanks! It took a long time to get there (and some advice from other Jezebel readers)!

Has she read The Giver? Every kid should read that book.

Full disclosure: Shameless self promotion ahead!

I met my husband on Plenty of Fish about eight years ago. I was so disgusted and frustrated by the experience that I had logged in to close my account and found this well worded, properly punctuated, grammatically correct, self deprecating, funny story about him, followed by an invitation to chat. I gave him my

Yup. I went down so many terrifying rabbit holes on YouTube when I was pregnant. It's some seriously depressing shit.

It's beautiful and only about two hours away from Bangor. Stephen King has spent some time there, though I have heard that a hotel in Colorado takes credit for being the inspiration for The Shining. Who knows?

I am not necessarily a believer in ghosts (though my mother very much is), but I do love them for their entertainment value. Until a few years ago, I could say with complete honesty that I had never experienced anything tremendously spooky that couldn't be explained away quite easily.

Yes, my personal opinion about a blog post =/= judging a person's choices.

Thanks! I try my best at SEO, but it is some complicated shit, and the rules seem to change frequently. I use all my tags, etc...but still I might get one or two hits from google a day.

Can you guys do me a favor? I don't know what the hell is going on with Etsy, but my vintage shop used to get hundreds of views a day, for like, the last year. Hundreds. And now I have to work my ass off to even break 100, and my sales are half of what they used to be. If any of you are into vintage stuff, or know

I had a completely uneventful pregnancy. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was the fact that it took me three years to get pregnant. But other than that, it was normal. I went into labour on a Friday. Contractions sucked, but I managed them. Friday night I even drove to go get take out. Saturday was worse,

I read a few excerpts from it on a blog that was making fun of it recently, and yeah, it's some of the worst written literature I have ever come across. And not even just poorly written in the same sense that romance novels are, but just bad. Like, Holy Cow during sex bad. This book is a shining example of why editors

I think it's a stretch to call mostly copyright infringing hand painted mugs with a team logo "artistic expression". I will go only as far as to agree with you in the context that most art, if good, is going to offend someone though.

Jesus. Way to ruin my weekend Tracie. Even if you aren't giving out any flying fucks, I still want you to know I think you're pretty rad.

Slightly rotting potatoes.