
I was actually kind of shocked to find out I wasn't (though I am on Gawker). Oh well. You can't win them all. Does me recommending your reply take you out?

Now playing

Relevant for those who don't know who she is;

Does anyone out there remember Sue Johanson? When I was in university, we would all congregate on Sunday nights to watch her sex advice show. Absolutely brilliant. This article reminded me of her.

What the fuck is it about MMA guys? Too many knocks to the head? What? It seems like there is a disproportionate number of MMA dudes beating the fuck out of their spouses. (Yes, I realize #notallMMAmen or whatever, and my spouse is trained in martial arts and has never ever been even close to violent with me, but

I suppose if she was a middle class, married "Good Christian Woman" you wouldn't be so outraged at her procreation choices? Yes, I agree that birth control and family planning are wonderful things that all women should have access to, but you don't know what her situation was. Maybe she was married, middle class,

One of the children is 11? Isn't the accepted age for babysitting 12? I am sorry, I don't understand the cultural shift between when I was that age 20 years ago and now. I regularly spent entire DAYS at the local park a few blocks from my house in the summer time when I was 10-11, while my mother (who was single and

Have you watched "Waiting for Armageddon" yet? There was this one family that told their young daughters that they would never grow up into women and have children of their own (which is of course, the only thing that would bring them any value on this earth, duh) because they would be raptured. It was so fucking sad

She should come run where I live. The work is already done for her.

There are about six comments right now and 5/6 are cynical and/or sarcastic. Seriously, what is wrong with us that we can't think of anything nice to say about this? Jesus, there are more positive comments on the article about the Kim Kardashian game app.

Also relevant;

Maybe I don't want your bacteria laden sandwhich near my fucking sterile breast milk.

Would seeing a gallon of regular old milk bother you? Tell me why milk from a human is more unsettling than milk from a cow?

It's not just Etsy on adderall, it IS ETSY. She's using various merchants and selling their items on her site. At least she gives them credit, I guess. Better than Urban Outfitters.

It's posts like this that make me long for the days of #COTD.


I went right up until the end with no drugs. The contractions were bad, but I kept expecting them to get worse. I laboured for 48 hours at home before going to the hospital and my son was born about 7 hours after I got there. At the very end (like 9.5 cms dilated end) a little voice in my head told me to get the

Man, the whole cry it out thing really strikes a nerve with me. My 16 month old son has only slept through the night a handful of times (usually as a result of a very busy day with lots and lots of physical activity like running around the beach like a drunk Gilligan for three hours straight in the afternoon and then

I'm sorry, I just CAN NOT get on board with the whole placenta eating thing. Can't do it. It's one fucking step away from cannibalism.

Out of curiosity, as someone In Canada who owns a moderately successful etsy shop that sells a lot of vintage goods to US customers, does anyone know if I would be required to charge taxes. This could either be really good or really bad for me...

I've never been fired for calling out, but I did get passed over for a promotion once that I had been working toward for a year because I refused to come in during an epic snow storm. This was in retail and my shift was scheduled from 7am - 3pm, and they ended up making the call to close the mall and send everyone