
"Should you happen to be possessed of a certain verbal acuity coupled with a relentless hair trigger humor and surface cheer spackling over a chronic melancholia and loneliness— a grotesquely caricatured version of your deepest self which you trot out at the slightest provocation to endearing and glib comic effect,

Right. I think the point that she/he was trying to make was articulated so perfectly in your reply though. High heels at work = totally okay! Club heels at work? She must want to get fucked. So what's the difference between high heels and club heels? Where does the line between appropriate and inappropriate get drawn,

"She was a pretty girl who you fancied. You simply could not resist. You had sex with her."

Except the coroner determined that the cause of death was hyperthermia (heat) and it was confirmed that they were at the fast food restaurant that morning. Plus the injuries he sustained make it sound like he was very much alive, and suffering, while he died. The mother may not be completely innocent in this, but I

I think I remember which one! I am glad you like it. :)

Can I have a moment for some shameless self promotion? About a year ago I came to the Jez community asking for advice about my Etsy shop. I had a few sales under my belt, but my dreams of running a vintage shop full time were so far out of reach that I was starting to feel discouraged. Today, just a little over a year

Well, it's totally appropriate that this is called "Pissing Contest" given the story I am about to tell you.

I was thinking something similar the other day after reading that Fatal Distraction article that won the Pulitzer. If someone could invent a sensor that you attach to a car seat that senses weight, and have the other on your key ring, and after a certain distance between the two, it sounds an alarm, that could prevent

I hear you. I have a family member who is RCMP in Moncton and was out there. That shit pissed me off. Glad to hear it came down.

Is it just that I am tired or is this sentence extremely confusing;

I am (kinda) with you on this. When I was a university student, I can't tell you how many times people told me not to walk alone at night, to always go places in pairs, not to live alone, etc. They handed out rape whistles in my (all female) dorm, and there was this whole culture of, I shit you not, getting a "nice"

Also I just wanted to add that I was very clear about an attentive caregiver not having to be the mother, so a daycare provider could certainly fill that role from 9-5. It seems like you're the one who's fanning the flames of the mommy wars here.

The OP was talking about kids who are left alone all the time with things to babysit them, and so was I. That is neglect. I happen to know someone who's mother was very ill for two years after she had her son, and who's father plopped him in a playpen day in and day out for that period of time with no physical contact

Well the OP isn't entirely incorrect. There is evidence that babies who are not shown physical and emotional affection in the first 1-3 years can grow to have some serious mental health issues. It doesn't necesessarily have to the the mother per se, but an attentive caregiver* is important, and in western culture that

Ugh. That's my wedding anniversary.

Let's not get personal now.

I was listening to the CBC yesterday (on my way back from a hospital no less), and there was a fascinating interview with a doctor who wrote a book about the coded slang doctors use in the course of their work. Some of it was dreadfully offensive, but it was all very fascinating. Maybe that's what happened here? I am

Yup. I worked retail for a long time and I apprehended everyone from gay black teenage boys to key holding store employees, to white 60 year old women who had hundreds of dollars in their wallets. Doesn't matter, a thief will thieve.

I don't want to be that "where were the parents" person, but where are the fucking parents? Maybe it was just because I had so little when I was growing up, but if I came home with something new, she wanted to know where it came from.

"I have explained the deep trauma of my past and mental problems behind why I actually lift before don't make me go there again or I will have a really bad breakdown"