
Sometimes my husband orders for me, if we are out to a fancy dinner or special occasion (read: not when we're ordering food at the pub), but he doesn't decide what to order for me. I do that, and then he just does all the talking. I don't complain because I think it makes him feel special or important or something,

I hear you. I have a 13 month old boy, and recently he went through a two week phase where he woke every hour on the hour all night long. My husband travels for work so it was all on me to get up with him and soothe him (teething sucks). Was I tired, and frustrated? Yes. But not once did it cross my mind to do

This whole article was sensationalistic and gross (gross because it was so sensationalistic). Maybe I am just getting older or something, but it feels like the bar is dropping around here lately. No wonder I don't come back to read/comment as often.

THANK YOU! You have no idea how much passive aggressive shit I got from my MIL because I wasn't giving my baby water when he was 3 months old. She couldn't grasp that breast milk was enough.

I still think the most effective "cleanse" is coffee and a cigarette first thing in the morning.

My son got chicken pox at 1o months, two months before he was scheduled to be vaccinated against it. I am still going to get the vaccine, just in case. He's on schedule for all of his vaccines and will continue to be all his life. It's not worth the risk to delay or deny vaccines, and borders on irresponsible

This is why I am so grateful for the maternity and parental leave time in Canada. It can be split between both parents, but I took it all so I forget the time frames for each, but it amounts to 50 weeks (52 if you count the 2 week waiting period). Having that year off made all the difference in my happiness and mental

I'm just going to throw this out there. Although the idea of death scares me greatly, and I find it disconcerting to think about, especially now that I have a child, I think it is absolutely 100% necessary. Hear me out.

I am glad that you pulled yourself out of that. Doesn't sound like it would be easy.


I used to do free shipping on orders over 100$ and then I got nailed with an international order that I ended up losing money on. 90% of my business comes from North America so I could do it here, but there is no way to stop someone in Australia from using the discount code. Would you as a shopper, go to the trouble

Models are definitely on my wish list. Honestly, I am waiting until my LO is finished nursing and then I am going to make a grand escape for a weekend to see a photographer friend who has some models who would be willing to do the work for very little.

Isn't canada post brutal? I cringe every time.

I don't know if it's normal or not either. I just have the one and he's only just a year in a few weeks (so I can relate on the fainting/dizzy thing, trust me). I was a pretty high strung kid though. I remember once my mom had a kidney infection and I overheard her talking about it. I went to school the next day and

That's possible too. I know there are some vintage shops doing rather well in the clothing department but I suspect they have a client base that keeps coming back. I've built a good reputation on accessories but my shop isn't known for carrying clothing and since I haven't sold any I don't have any reviews in that

I might have to do that. Someone suggested that in GT and I have been mulling it over.

I need some advice/feedback. I have a vintage shop on Etsy, and up until the start of this year I only carried accessories, but I decided to start selling dresses etc. I do fairly well with the accessories, but after nearly three months I haven't moved one piece of clothing. I posted in groupthink and someone

Just out of curiosity, how long does the nodding out like that last? The video was about five minutes, would it have gone on much longer than that?

That's some pretty impressive composure your daughter has! I saw my dad have a seizure once and I called 911 and screamed at them that he was dying until an ambulance came.

Thanks for that.