
Am I the only one that finds it incredibly disturbing that she gave him such a hard time about it? I mean, if I walk in on my husband "beating off" and I don't immediately get the impression that he is interested in my joining him, I politely excuse myself and give him some privacy. Everyone wants some alone time

I am firmly in the camp of zero fucks given about other peoples pubes. I do what I do with mine, my husband does what he does with his, and outside of that I give it no thought.

I may need to change my screen name to Disco Bush. That's hilarious!

If it smells fine and isn't growing a pair of legs I will eat it. I have condiments in my fridge that have been there forever. My mustard is older than my son and he can walk.

I doubt it. Unless you're spooning, it's doggy or cowgirl from about 5 months on....

Nope, sorry, I call bullshit on this one. I am almost positive at this point TLC is just hiring people to make shit up for ratings. There is zero chance this is a real thing, and that her fiancé and his friend would be so nonchalant about it.

Yeah, you probably shouldn't leave pets unattended with small children, but honestly the risk of biting or accidental knock downs is much greater than smothering.

Yes, I am OBVIOUSLY misreading EVERYTHING.

After reading all of the comments here and on the Facebook post I am not sure who I hate more, inconsiderate parents who bring their baby to places generally not kid friendly, or self righteous non-parents who expect that the rest of the world cater to their desire not to see a baby anywhere ever.

Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked but I see very little difference between regular definition television and HD, and I wonder how exactly they could possibly make it look so realistic you feel like you're there.

Can we just STFU about this topic? Seriously, have kids, don't have kids, do whatever the fuck you want. In my experience the least happy people are the ones constantly obsessed about who is happier than they are.

There is a 75 % chance I have this bag in storage. It's not old navy or vintage (purchased in 2000ish), but it's identical. I'll dig around if you're interested.

Yeah, I'd bang him for free, and have already cleared it with my husband.


So you are saying I should eat more caulk?

Actually it is pretty fucking addictive for a lot of people who use it. I did my fair share of it in my early 20s and knew quite a lot of users who used daily to get through the day. I knew one guy who sold it who maybe slept twice a week. The rest of the time he just floated around between all night house parties and

My resolution is to read more articles by Burt.

Every year my MIL gets me pjs. They are always 2-3 sizes too big. Her eyes are fine, I think it's just passive aggressive.

Did I say that people who aren't parents will never know "true unconditional love" or selflessness. Did I say that you could never understand it? Nope, didn't say any of that. Your vitriolic response is totally uncalled for. Perhaps I could have been more sensitive in how I worded my thoughts, but I was having a knee

Well happy fucking holidays to you too.