
Thank you. You said that far more eloquently than I did.

I get your pain, we were considered medically infertile after three year of trying with no sign of a pregnancy. When my son was born, he almost died during birth and had to be in NICU for a while before we could take him home. I wasn't allowed to touch him for the first 24 hours. So yeah, I get your pain. But getting

Thank you. I almost lost my son at birth, and I am still not completely over it. Not a day goes by where that thought doesn't creep into my head and when it does it feels almost as real and alarming as if it were happening all over again. Stories like this just remind me how fragile a little life can be and how

" because every story of a child hurt has my child's face on it"

You must have missed the part where I said "that's awful".

Jesus Christ people. This is why I stick to GT.

No. Why?

What is that supposed to mean? I sincerely hope you weren't implying that my comment meant that I didn't feel empathy for children prior to having one, because it didn't. All I was trying to say is that it hits home a little more powerfully once you do.

Before you have kids you can read shit like this and think "that's awful" and then go about your day. After you have kids, you read shit like this and it settles in the pit of your stomach and follows you around all day. :( Poor little guy.

Just gonna leave this here...

Don't worry. I am sure it's big enough.

In other news, I miss Regretsy.

It's especially telling that the exact same people defending The Patriarch (seriously, ugh) would immediately call for his resignation if he had said in the interview that there is no god, and we should all have big gay orgies all the time.

Bye Laura! I know I don't lurk in the comments or GT as much as I used to (baby, business, and all that) but I do love your shit. Though, I won't lie, I am SUPER excited for Burt! Good luck!

My cousin was born with perfect eyebrows, and even though she's a teenager now, they are still absolute perfection. Not a single stray hair to be found. If you looked at baby pictures, you would think her mother obsessively groomed them, but she didn't. She was just born that way.

Withdrawal is only a good method of birth control IF;
You an actually trust the guy to withdraw.
You are tracking your cycle and you are no where near ovulation.
You are completely indifferent to the idea of getting pregnant.

I like this, however I feel a little uneasy about feminism becoming a marketing tool. I mean, it's way better than blatantly sexist ads, however, there is still something about it that makes me feel icky and I can't put my finger on it.

And cat puke, evidently.


Because the nation. Or something.