Victor Sweatsuit

“....and while I know this is a hard day for many of you, we will do our best to support your during this transition. And also FYI, Walter Iooss Jr. will be taking photos of you all while you clean out your desks, so feel free to ham it up.

You sweet summer child. 

I have no idea how you maintain the stomach and willpower to continually shine a light on these scumbags but bless you for doing so.

Disclaimer: My brother sent me this. I did not make it myself 

åwesome gåme 

He needs...a bodyguard

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

Sometimes it hits in the early 70s. For example, one of these hypothetical old people might confuse “Alabama” with “the Bahamas” and then spend a couple weeks saying he didn’t.

Just look past the domestic violence, sexual assault, racism, opioid abuse, CTE, and Trump-humping and you can enjoy watching 4 1/2 hours of commercials and 11 minutes of heart-pounding actual action.

The beauty of coaching is growing the players from the ground up.

His wife was equally unimpressed with her second-place trophy.

Baldingers breakdowns are really great because it gives us fans that have never played the game a better understanding about the X’s and O’s. He does this with a lot of different teams. Coll stuff.

MF said “Nautious.” Like he didn’t even give it a good shot. Typed out a word that look like a Transformer that turns into a sailboat.

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

You gonna insult Darryl Philbin that way?

when I moved to far eastern Queens (Whitestone: the angriest place on earth) I was discussing my misery with a minister friend. His advice was “be an asshole without becoming an asshole.” Wise words to live by. 

Oh, there are plenty of folks for whom dickishness comes naturally.

I heard Ray Lewis’s voice when reading this.

Huge loss... what a badass woman. Rest in peace, Jessi.