They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
Darling... Your passionate analytics and seamless integration of sustainability and storytelling help me to downsize my enterprise. The knowledge you bring of offshoring opportunities, data mining collaboration and scalability pushes me to think outside of the box.
You should learn to read.
Its weird to see fans not cause interference on that play tbh
Fans cleared out of the way, but Springer came up juuuuust short on the leap.
Springier would have made that catch.
Upon learning that the tarantula wasn’t a deal-breaker, my two sons have asked for your address and preferred Mother’s Day gift. My wife is taking it remarkably well.
“I’m kinda shy but mostly excited. And courageous.”
Floyds, ranked:
If the menu doesn’t use the words ‘artisinal’, ‘small-batch’, ‘local’, and ‘animal-friendly cruelty-free bio-organic certifiably certified semi-sensitized de-glazed in cast-iron cookwear made by local blacksmiths whose DNA tests are war-crime cleared for at least four generations’, i don’t even consider eating there.
Also see, Candy Maldonado Oct. 14, 1987 Giants v. Cards. Same play only in right field.
And when he went to practice the next day, a small sign hung in the practice facility that read simply: Zach Brown Banned.
Or hit a rock and not fall at all, just both of them getting ejected down the cliff.
I guess the point is, what is the expectation for Ellen here? Would it have been better for her to scream “you are a war criminal!” at Bush and then spit in his face?
I’m B@man
I hope he’s OK. Not the least because if he is, he’s now the mayor of Buffalo pursuant to their municipal code.
“What is the sound of one hand punching .... YOUR FACE”
“What did I miss?”