Victor Sweatsuit

it depends on several things: where you are in your current contract, years of service, accolades like all nba, how many cups of coffee you can drink without murdering someone, how many times you’ve driven the autobahn, if you can parallel park downtown in Seattle, how long you can hold your breath, it’s all right

It makes me wonder whether these men who are actually just pull-string toys who can only spout whatever aphorism they’ve seized onto for that season.

Sorry you feel that way.

That one sailed further over your head then his last toss as an Indian 

The only thing I learned from playing this mode was just how much I miss an NCAA/College Football game.

I think it’s also pretty insulting to Robbie. It implies the only way you can “act” is if you have dialogue. I think it’s a testament to her talent that I thought she conveyed as much about her character and told her story as well as Pitt and DiCaprio with a fraction of the dialogue.

Nah, you’re wrong about that. 

Denouncing racism and bigotry unequivocally ≠ talking about politics

Say it louder for those in the back. 

Yeah, he’s the simpleton here. Not the dude who’s big mad about an obvious fucking joke.

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

I went to a twitter feud the other night, and a hockey app broke out.

The floodgates opened up after that.

Nothing I've done in life scares me more than driving a car. 

“No orange tip, or even an orange barrel. Shame.” - Melania.

How are the Cardinals doing this year? 

let the country who didnt invent hooliganism throw the first cup of tea.