Victor Sweatsuit

Tonight there are unanswered questions about Preston’s vehicle, but the crash resolved two of them:


No. Man, you know the answer is always and forever going to be no. Stop fucking asking, you are never allowed to use that fucking word.


A lot of people consider Andre Dawson unworthy of the HOF. Beltran and Dawson have strikingly similar careers. Both were Rookies of the Year who began their careers as stellar CFs, who later moved to RF and DH. Beltran played more games in CF, also more games at DH.

Career recap:

Denver Bonko.

Don’t worry; the NFL’s top notch concussion watchers are on it.

I like the part where the bar owner inexplicably reduces the cost by $20. Only in conservative economics do business owners for no apparent reason reduce their profits.

I am high on baseball and this is amazing:

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Gloria Allred has done more for woman’s and civil rights than you ever will.

I don’t watch Denver TV but I am guessing:

Little guy’s lost some weight since the Star Wars trailer, but not his sense of abject horror.

It could be worse, it was lucky it was caught by a Manchester City official and not one of the Wolves

Every word you speak makes me want to punch a millennial. And I’m a millennial.

Sieg fail!

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

Stolen from random on Twitter: “You can take the Nationals out of the Capital, but you can’t take the Capitals out of the Nationals”

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Cora also had one of the greatest ABs in history