
It’s all about their insistence on “logic and reason” as opposed to faith. Which really just means a masculinist, Manichean worldview that leaves no room for the kinds of affect and irrationality that make feminism and the experiences of POC such powerful disruptive forces.

Nobody cares about your boner.

A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.

NO. NO. You can binge watch all the time. It's NOT SPECIAL.

White equivalence perception scale:

please remember that everyone's bodies react differently to IUD insertion. My body revolted: vomiting, diarrhea, fever and cramps that would be more aptly called contractions as my uterus tried its damnedest to expel the tiny IUD interloper. I've heard a lot of people say "it's not that bad at all, everyone who says

DUDE I am totally there nerding with you. I just applied to volunteer at my local library partly because their selection of authors is really male-dominated and I want to push them to improve that shit.

I just kinda wish Kris had named Rob, Krob, and insisted the K was silent. Just for the LOLS.

I worked at an A&W and one of the dumb customer stories that has stuck with me was the one where a man asked me "How long are your guy's FOOTLONG coneys?" I promptly responded back with "Metric or Imperial?"

So many people in these cases seem to confuse "euthanasia" with "choosing to die". Patients like this girl aren't choosing to die, they're already dying, they can't NOT DIE. They want to choose how to die.

I started reading Harlequins in 7th or 8th grade, and my library had a metric fuckton of them to read which was amazing. I only recently got back into reading romances after being annoying that (most) bookish people I talked to too got all snobby about romance's not being "real books". So I started following reviews

I've got GG boymen replying to this and omg dismissing them feels so good. #misandry #censorship

Timothy Dolan is evil. He has proven time and again that he is a hypocritical, double-talking evil, bullshit artist. None of this surprises me. Not a single bit of it.

Well, yeah because what she really means is that people on Twitter should stop being mean to her specifically, not in general. Heaven forbid her delicate Manhattan West Side ego should be subjected to anything other than people telling her how great she is.

Are people never allowed to grow and evolve in their perspectives? When I was 17-20, I regularly espoused my beliefs that civil unions were fine, being trans was all made up nonsense, that abortion was wrong,and that affirmative action is bullshit.

THAT'S THE HIGH SCHOOL MY COLLEGE BOYFRIEND WENT TO!!! Ooooh, based on his stories, as I recall, that place was messed up.

It's especially egregious if they're Christian, since the bible actually says not to tell other people about your good deeds. Yuck.

Everytime I hear stories like this it only furthers my belief that the rules for training young children how to behave properly are the same as training a dog.

This advice is kind of shit. "Don't get rid of your scar, that's dumb! Here I did five seconds of googling for you." "Tankinis are dumb, don't wear them! Here's a one piece, which you said you didn't want [because YES they are a PITA and bathroom trips are hard enough with a kid in tow], and doesn't cover the stomach

YOU TAKE THAT BACK. *I'm* full of sugar and spice. Also formaldehyde and pthalates.