
I'm going to go with many of the commenters below and just dismiss this entire exercise as a rant. I can't even follow it. It begins with so many damaged premises that I can't even begin to formulate a response. I'll just chalk it up to a meme gestalt.

I may be as guilty as the next guy of bringing you B Movie sci-fi shot in factories or disused mills (I'm looking at YOU Lacey Street) but couldn't they have found a way around that damn brick wall? Seriously, I'm a stickler but I have zero tolerance for masonry in science fiction architecture (that isn't supposed to

Meme eh?

As terrible as the diagnosis of Pratchett with Alzheimer's was. This bit of news, while not exactly welcome, gives me hope that in some small way, things will be alright again.

Ah I miss thy wiggly goodness. yup. You know it.

I simply cannot wait to see the Sci Fi channel's flaccid attempt to render a mind flyer in CG. Sci Fi actually bolsters the case for stop motion and puppets every second it is on the air.

True...but I just don't like a base on an ice planet having the same push-bar doors (literally) as my YMCA. Spend some money!

It really depends. Some of the analog artifacts you encounter with fiber optics, slit scans or straight animation are extremely difficult to generate in CG. One of the first things I would change about the rig above is making sure the slider track is immobile and on stable ground. A C-stand arm isn't going to hack it.

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

Yes, entire conventions could be built around *just* Enterprise architecture. I'd probably attend. So I won't.

I totally forgot about that! True. It's bad enough that they put the bridge on the top center of what amounts to a giant dartboard. But a window?

I LOVE this. it HURTS ME how much I LOVE this!

Wait wait wait...there's a difference???

I hope so. My main issues were with the nacelles and the nacelle struts. They just looked toy like. Wait and see I guess...

I still pour over the Macross Mecha Manual every so often...I'm still hooked.

I don't understand why Abrams felt he had to make thee Enterprise "his own". Why not do what he did with the wardrobe - keep the design and update the materials. I'd love to see the TOS Enterprise with a bit more surface detailing...something simple like that.

Did you notice the concrete pillars and cement flooring in the Kelvin? Or the standard push bar doors of Scotty's frozen base? It was like the future of mankind will be designed and constructed just outside of Pittsburgh.

It makes me weep for the children in the chamber of ages.

Yes but *tile floors*?

I agree that the idea of "fake geek girls" is damaging. I wholly reject "geekness" as being masculine. As one who grew up geek I truely wish it were a masculine social influence - it is patently non masculine. Let me explain.