Or put it on PS4 and XBone and incite flamewars over which version is better...
Descent 3 was made in 1999:
Seeing the price as $44.10 here.
Seeing the price as $44.10 here.
Yes, I watch a number of streamers regularly, including some of the “big” streamers, none of which I’ve ever seen exceed 5,000 viewers at a time. I know some of the bigger streams can go as high as 200,000, which is still nothing compared to TV networks.
I wouldn’t put it anywhere near that level, something more along the lines of the local public access channel. We’re talking about a medium where 2,000 simultaneous viewers is considered pretty big.
This is exactly what put 9me off Fallout 3 ultimately. I find it hard to believe that even after a nuclear apocalypse, 400 years later any remaining survivors would still be wallowing in the old ruins and not bothering to try to rebuild anything.
I had the misfortune to end up with a Chrysler 200 as a rental car last year, the thing was atrocious. In addition to the stuff above, you also constantly heard the contents of the gas tank sloshing around in the back as you drove. I can’t think of any car I’ve ever experienced that with before.
I didn’t drive anything truly exceptional or terrible this year, but I’ll give this a shot...
My wife has coined a term for these types of aggressively adequate cars (usually rentals) that end up being so generic you might walk right past them in tbe parking lot: Blandos. So now every rental car we get (whether it’s actually good or not) ends up being somewhere on a sliding scale of blandoism; Something…
Not really a review per se, but in some ways it’s far, far worse than anything a reviewer could possibly say.
The timing on those levels is typically so precise that I doubt there would be much room for running them much faster..
The reviews are sounding pretty positive on this one. Unfortunately I don’t get to see it until Christmas Day, so it’s going to take a lot of avoiding spoilers...
If I recall correctly, N64 emulation is quite heavy on basically just guessing how it works too.
Make mine a Twilight Zone.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) these types of problems have a tendency to wrap themselves around miscellaneous stationary objects pretty quickly...
Was watching a Twitch streamer with a pre-release copy of Just Cause 3 last night, that one looks pretty insane. Might have to grab it at some point.
Me and my wife always load up on cheap movies on Black Friday, and she picked up a vacuum cleaner and some Bluetooth headphones. As far as gaming stuff goes, I picked up Super Mario Maker and a couple of things off the Steam sale. At this point, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to pass on XBone and PS4 entirely,…