That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that term. “Metroidvania” is the common term I’ve heard used for these.
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that term. “Metroidvania” is the common term I’ve heard used for these.
Managed to actually catch ticket sales this year. Missed Saturday, but still got a Friday pass. That’s OK, after having attended for quite a few years now, I’m thinking one day is plenty now.
It was also notable for being the only Mega Drive system that came with built in S-Video input (but only on the Japanese version.)
I actually had a JVC X’Eye (the US version ofd the Wondermega) for a while. It didn’’t look nearly as nice as that.
What, no rent-to-own furniture?
Spending way too much time on Binding of Isaac: Rebirth right now. When it came out I was put off by the art style, but after spending a decent amount of time watching LethalFrag play it on Twitch I had to pick it up. It’s certainly nowhere near as easy as LF makes it looks sometimes.
Because that’s terrible?
Given the typical quality of Chinese construction, I would have expected them to be able to just roll up the road like a carpet and haul it away.
Here, have a vote for that “smoked harder than the last joint on Wiz Khalifa’s tour bus” line.
Who wouldn’t want to hoon a Rolls Royce?
I’ll definitely have to keep an eye on this one. I enjoyed Just Cause 2, but the shooting mechanics were a bit of a mess in that one.
The more of these I watch, the more I’m convinced that they’re basically superheroes whose power is unlimited cars.
As far as I can recall, my Mom has only ever been into two video games: The original Super Mario Bros. and the Nintendo Pinball game back when we had a NES in 1987. She was the first in the family to rescue the princess, and it took us months to beat her high score on Pinball. As far as I know she hasn’t touched a…
Looks like he... hit the tree, Jim.
Adam Savage does this every year at SDCC, in increasingly elaborate costumes of his own making. He makes a bit of a game out of it, trying to see how long it takes people to figure out that it’s actually him.
If he would prefer something more to his liking I’m sure you could find him a slightly used PT Cruiser.
That used to be the case, but these days 75% of the Priuses on the road are taxis. At least around here, most of the eco-posers have moved on to Teslas.
Seriously? 88 horsepower out of a 3.3 liter I-6, and all that for just 23MPG? Man, I knew the Malaise era sucked, but I didn’t know it sucked that bad...
Oh come on, it’s nothing that years of expensive therapy can’t fix.