Maybe he wants to be king of the rednecks?
Maybe he wants to be king of the rednecks?
Oops, guess everyone should just switch back to Melee now and loudly ridicule anyone who doesn't.
Stop trying to make Ethanol happen. It's a mediocre fuel, it messes up engines, and the production of Ethanol fuels is basically a government handout to politically connected people at the expense of higher food prices for everyone else.
That's basically what I've seen from watching a number of Twitch streamers playing this game. Unless the monster player messes something up and gets caught at level 1 they can win the game almost every time, and by the time the monster is level 3 it seems to be functionally invincible. Hunter wins seem to be very…
Been watching this game on Twitch a fair bit, and I can't decide what to think about it. It seems to me that at least for the streamers I watch that the monster wins around 80% of the games regardless of who is playing it, and I have yet to see a stage 3 monster defeated (or anyone even coming anywhere close to…
I'm kind of torn on that one. On one hand, he can be a real pain to deal with sometimes. On the other hand, every once in a while he'll cause cars with jerk drivers that cut me off on 520 to telepathically explode, which is rather convenient.
I agree with this, Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts is a seriously underrated game. I never finished it, but quite enjoyed the time I spent on it.
I haven't played the game but I've watched a fair bit of it on Twitch. Right now it doesn't seem overly difficult, and most of what's "wrong" with it seems to be a matter of balancing. Stress accumulates a lot faster than you can get rid of it, and at least in the early game it costs too much to get rid of it. The…
I know there used to be a "Speedway 7-to-11" convenience store chain that operated in that part of the country (I grew up in New Mexico and there were locations in Santa Fe, Pojoaque and one in Los Alamos where I lived.) If I recall correctly, I think 7-Eleven actually bought them out at some point to move into the…
But people will wait in line for them anyway.
Up until a couple of months ago I was doing QA testing on a system to connect Android and iOS smartphones to an automotive head unit (CarPlay was not ued anywhere in this system) and the iOS side of things was nothing but trouble for most of the stuff. On Android, everything used Bluetooth, and things generally…
Clearly they're shocked, SHOCKED to find gambling going on here.
I hear they're good for attracting pianos too.
Yes. Around here you're lucky to find anything on the shelves besides the wave 1 commons (Kirby, Link, Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikachu and Samus) and maybe 1 or 2 other ones at any given time.
I have yet to see any of the wave 2 figures on the shelf besides Zelda and Luigi (which seem fairly common) and Bowser is the only wave 3 figure I've seen so far. Looking for Meta Knight, Sonic and Megaman, and suspect I'll find none of the three anytime soon.
Sounds fun, but I can't imagine what a pain an LS engine shoehorned into the front of that thing is going to be to work on.
That's ridiculous, impressive, and destined to be nerfed in the next patch all at the same time.
Found this one a couple of weeks ago from some YouTube Let's Plays. Expect everything you build to fail catastrophically (yet hilariously) within the first five seconds and I think you've got the general idea.