
Something tells me we'll be seeing plenty of Pokemon amiibos in the future, probably doing just that.

One of the Twitch streams I've spent way too much time watching lately is KashBryant, who (in addition to running more conventional tournaments of stream viewers) sets up 4-on-4 CPU matches (based on teams picked by viewers) and lets people bet on those in a similar fashion. Naturally I'm terrible at it, but it's

Here's one I haven't seen in quite a while, but it still needs to be stated:

No kidding. I was in high school when I first saw someone playing some new game called Doom in the computer lab during lunch.

It costs $400,000 in licensing fees to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.

On the plus side, if he submitted this to a scholarly journal he could win an Ig Nobel prize with this.

I would assume this stuff has been cooked halfway to oblivion at some point, I can't imagine any parasites surviving that.

Oh come on, none of that cheap afternarket stuff next time. Any self-respecting OEM would demand nothing less than genuine Spam.

Thanks for the tip. Looks like there's one nearby.

You mean treasure hunting doesn't involve shooting the same six generic thugs over and over for twelve hours straight?

But is the tanker real?

Right now I'm pretty much sticking to Super Smash Brothers in spite of the fact that I remain thoroughly terrible at it. Hopefully the Gamecube adapters become easier to find soon so I can get one and use my Wavebird, the Wii U Gamepad works OK but can be a pain to use for some things. Aside from that, I'm not

The problem with that is that 75% of the Priuses on the roads around here are taxis these days.

I'll let you try that one.

My guess is that they wanted to close the "loophole" of people being able to get Crucible reputation and Crucible marks so they actually had to play Crucible to get the stuff.

There is nothing that says "This thing will never see any terrain rougher than a mall parking lot" than a Trailhawk badge on the back of your Jeep Cherokee.

Didn't bother with any doorbusters this year since nothing really looked worth it. I actually bought a new TV a week ago (a nice 60" Sony KDL60W630B from Best Buy, not exactly a doorbuster deal but it was actually cheaper last Saturday than it was on Black Friday) so I spent Thanksgiving evening playing Super Smash

I managed to grab these from Walmart as well (the cheap DVD/Blu-Ray racks are apparently one of my Black Friday weaknesses) but expect to have to do some digging to find all of them. They're sold in 2-packs (1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 part 1 and 2) for $7 apiece.

I managed to grab these from Walmart as well (the cheap DVD/Blu-Ray racks are apparently one of my Black Friday

My first car was an '84 Toyota Camry that I bought sometime in 1997 for $2,000, and got a good ten years out of it It was ugly, it burned oil, it had half a key broken off in the ignition, and it generally did everything terribly except for keep running. I did have to replace a transmission once and had it break a