Well, they just posted a link on Twitter to the video, so my guess is that they'll leave it in.
Well, they just posted a link on Twitter to the video, so my guess is that they'll leave it in.
I'm guessing this is one of those weeks where the 'Shop Contest pretty much writes itself.
I don't know, but good luck financing one of these suckers, especially after people start ending up six feet underground before the first payment is due.
I think I saw somewhere that someone calculated that the length of that runway would have to be somewhere around 30 miles long for that scene.
Spent a fair bit of time watching Evolve on Twitch this weekend. It looks like the type of game that would be a lot of fun, but that I can't be bothered to actually play. Based on about 6 or 7 different streams, right now it looks like the monster is at a huge advantage over the players right now (basically a big…
Oddly enough, the one time I saw an F40 in the wild was in the parking lot of an ALMS race (which also had Rob Dyson's Veyron and Enzo parked in the paddock.)
I think the best use of a swear filter in a video game would be the one on Mr. Torgue in Borderlands 2. For the most part the game has no problem with cursing, but Mr. Torgue has been censored by his shareholders because he swears too much, which means he's getting bleeped constantly.
Which is basically everything that isn't story missions or patrol.
To me that sounds more like Activision pulling the strings on this one.
I've enjoyed the time I've spent in Destiny so far, but there is just so much about this game that screams "Executive meddling" and a $20 DLC pack with about $5 worth of content in it doesn't exactly do much to change that.
I can't speak for what it's like to drive there, but Evergreen Speedway in Monroe WA (about 35 miles northeast of Seattle) does a number of cheap car racing series such as Hornets and Stinger 8s (basically-mostly stock 4-banger econoboxes with a $750 claimer rule) with opportunities to race most Saturday nights …
This seems to be another review that puts a "Yes" on the game, but the review content makes it really sound like it's actually a "No". This was going to be the game that was most likely to convince me to get an XBox One this year, but at this point it looks like I won't be.
Looks like it would make a lovely coffee table.
So basically it's the "River Tam Beats Up Everyone" of video games, only with way too much plot?
In theory I'd be OK since I just picked up a GTX 970 (upgraded from a GTX 660 Ti), but I wasn't planning on getting this game anyway. I strongly suspect the high specs are more a matter of poor optimization than anything.
Naturally, the Russian judge gave it a 3.6.
I had that problem with the first one, but not the second one for some reason. It may have had to do with changing the FOV setting (which I don't think the first one had a setting for on PC.)
Prepare to Fry edition?
If you have to turn in one of those things I'm pretty sure you're driving it wrong.