The 3 (or so) movies I'd pick for someone to understand the 80s:
The 3 (or so) movies I'd pick for someone to understand the 80s:
I broke a screen on a 2013 model Nexus 7 about a month after I got it, and although the part to fix it is readily available (albeit expensive) on eBay, the frame that the display is attached to isn't, which means that I'd have to figure out how to remove the old display from the frame first. Given the cost and the…
Except that one managed to get past AdBlock on my system.
I'd have a hard time recommending AMD stuff at this point. For quite a few years I built systems exclusively with AMD CPUs, but at some point around the Core 2 Duo processors it just reached a point where it was clear Intel is well ahead of AMD in terms of overall performance. Yes, Intel is more expensive, but at…
At this point, this isn't looking too far off from the actual game.
And with a Cavalier attitude like that, he just might get one.
Looks like another example of the (currently shockingly popular ) :We spent all of five minutes on it" school of logo design.
What you put into a TV show if you couldn't get BMW to let you use their logo.
And if you try to sell one, someone tries to convince you to ship it to Africa and sends a "check" for twice the sale amount.
Only in extremely pretentious poetry.
May have to grab the bundle, I enjoyed Overlord on the Xbox 360 but never finished it.
I think I saw an estimate of somewhere in the 9 million range.
As far as I'm aware, pre-orders on the RetroN5 haven't been sold out, the item has just been in a "not available" state since the brief time it showed up for preorder on Amazon due to the various delays. As it stands, they still don't have a definite release date (although I do see April 2014 as the current target.)
It seems to be based on the ISK (in-game currency) value of a PLEX (Player License Extension, an in-game item that can be redeemed for a month's subscription time and which can be purchased with real money or acquired in-game.) Each one goes for somewhere around 600 million ISK, from what I understand.
I still want to get a candy cab one of these days (I actually have a number of shmup boards from back when I had a western-style arcade cabinet previously) but right now I just don't have the space for one of the things. Actually finding one to buy in the US is the tough part.
Well, to be fair, it seems like a gigantic space battle breaks out in EVE any time someone sneezes in the wrong sector.
Once the appropriate "payments" are made, it will be ruled accidental.
In my opinion, the potential amount of enjoyment someone can get out of the purchase of a PS3 depends very heavily on how much they like first-party Sony games, even more than it does for anyone except possibly Nintendo (which is kind of its own case since I suspect a lot of people who buy a Wii U or possibly even a…
Is it just me, or do the "not a good match for" sections on 3/4 of these games exclude at least half the people who might actually play them? I've never been able to figure out how stuff like TLoU, Heavy Rain or any of the other grimdark games that seem to win all the awards these days could actually be considered…
You forgot Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago.