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Dammit. Got summoned for jury duty tomorrow. I've taken a total of four days off since 2008, so I'm a bit apprehensive about missing an entire day. And it's for a federal trial, so I think if I get selected there's the possibility that it could be some time, as in more than a day. Since I live in Illinois, I'm betting

Somewhere a Citi executive is laughing a little too hard at this.

LeBron is in a union. COMMUNIST. qed

GOP: Party of the conditional free market.

Yes, but it's not that easy for a black guy in Florida to stand his ground.

That is an insane level of commitment to stay and finish. Personally, I would have bolted.

it was track lighting.

If getting a boner while on a boat with a pretty lady is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

Please; you'd hit that 60 year-old piece of strudel if you had a chance.

Now playing

This comment thread is dedicated to The Ramones. The last surviving Ramone, Tommy, died today. All four of them were responsible for one of my favorite scenes on The Simpsons (holy shit has that show been on for too damn long). Forgive the video, I can't find an animated version of this scene that isn't just the song,

You're too uptight to sit in the bleachers. Go sit in the box seats, Francis.

It's going to be difficult for Mike the Stoner to parlay this incident into a Joe the Plumber type deal, even though he seems 10 times as lucid while possibly high, and on the right side of history.

I believe the German term for this is "der Goatse".

I know the feeling.

That's a common injury in that area. Millions of Brazilians were also severely butthurt recently.

Here come the wise cracks.

I am a better person because I condemn her actions.

It's worth noting that their Cardinal fandom was the primary inspiration for their groundbreaking research on anal.

No Ragrets.