
@AngryBrazilFan69: "@Marcello I'm gonna make you swim with the fish"

Team Purina has every right to be outraged.

NOW do you see what gay marriage is doing to 'Merica

"Not as much as the NRA or their clients patrons, the firearms industry."

Can't wait for all the trolls to come on and say Sterling's crazy, but the NBA DEF takes away right to privacy and right to free speech. Check it:

Are we sure he's not confusing the NBA with the NSA?

Sterling is flexible on a number of points in this lawsuit but will not waver in his demand that he be given 'a nice bowl of chocolate ice cream' just before bedtime.

"a band of hypocrites and bullies," and "despicable monsters."

"Is the bat supposed to be a dick?"

Just like the rap game.

I would suspend this dude for a very, very long time if I were in the MLB front offices.

This seems like Muchado about nothing.

Poor kid is so terrified he's been reduced to sitting on his own stool.

He needs to focus his anger on the real enemy here: Barack Obama.

Considering he is old, fat, and not the brightest, I think my money is on the kid in the wheelchair.

Game, set, retch.

The best thing to do when a bear tries to eat your face is to lay down on your stomach and let it eat the back of your skull.

I'm visualizing this woman as she posts these.

Good point Ms. Campbell. The democrats or as I like to call em the Democats because they are just some Washington fat cats (no offence to fat people) havent brought a lunch pail to a hard days work in multiple generations kind of like there the Browns starting QBs.