
Bear: you didn't come to hunt, didja.

It really did seem like it was unintentional. The readjustments that we all should consciously make are important and can be humorous. Cheers.

But the vile rhetoric, and actual documented violence, has been executed by the intolerant. There are zipzerozilch gays oppressing, in any way, us straights. Those people, whom for tradition's sake alone, stand against that which cannot be controlled, homosexuality, are not the victims here, regardless of any claims

tl;dr- you're forgiven, never too late to do the right thing

Assuming you're not trolling, I commend you on your stance of tolerance and you sound like a smart person in general. However, there is no longer a need for a discourse on the subject of morality, as it pertains to the subject at hand. The verdict is in, has been in, is more in with every state and federal judicial

Wouldn't be amazing to share the joke with the world, instead of hoarding it like an outtake from Dead Poets Society?

What else would you expect a guy who bowls with a basketball to say?

Did we win? Or did the Military Industrial Complex win? #realtalk

Just because we piss in the men's room sink doesn't mean we eschew BART. sniff

Season of the Witch [Doctor]

Not coming naturally to mohawk guy there.

Those founding fathers were some of the most oppressed people in the history of the universe.

You're the king of all that you see then.

Why anyone would want to be remembered for shitting the deathbed in their final minutes is beyond me. Don't kid yourself- that's what they'll talk about at the funeral.

Roger that- mountain climbing is a kind of risk I'm definitely averse to. Cigarettes and booze though... life is the gift that is slowly taken/given away...

Only an asshole wants to make his friends and family watch him die. There's a reason other beasts nobly crawl under the porch- dignity.

Swap out #6 for dying in an ambulance that's stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital. Freezing to death is supposed to be extremely peaceful and painless.

He's got Kilmeritis.

Anybody but Clarabelle.
