
Iggles open in D.C. (Chocolate City) and play in Detroit later in the season. A game in Oakland would've been the trifecta of cities where he's likely to have trash hurled at him by the fans. Plus, Kenny Chesney blows. I'll take George Strait. No chaser.

You're pretty bad. Go for it!

Based on this, I believe TB will go undefeated for the remainder of the season.

your expectations are unmanaged and your world view is simplistic- and lower caps is pretentious as fuck

I feel the query has been evaded, likely due to the truism that human nature will always be in opposition to human aspiration.

You're one of those. Those who think Italian-Americans aren't white. You must be of Mayflower extraction. You should shut the fuck up for the next 200 years, peckerwood.

Too soon.

"While I did manage ball clubs in American cities with significant African-American populations, I am most assuredly not black. No sir. Not that I would mind being black, it's just that- wait no at the end of the day I'm thankful I was born a white man in America- THE FUCKING LUCKIEST GROUP OF HUMAN BEINGS EVER."

Tony LaRussa is black?

Irony or coincidence: Barry Petchesky's avatar.

The avatar has nothing to do with the author, aside from the striking headshot and an attempt to learn from history. The duality of man. A respect for the classics. A sideways jab, a headfake. Read my posts. I love life. And Robert Graves. And Malcolm McDowell.

All of the above.

I see what you did there.

So this is where you troll now.

Nothing pithy or insightful here, just a question: I told someone on this site that chicks don't dig Charles Bukowski, and especially during the act the got Mr. Douglas in so much trouble, apparently. I was right, right?

The perp will doubtless find out something about the victim in a pre-emptive counter confession that will blow up in everyone's face, causing unnecessary suffering, as we all walk between the raindrops of little white lies. Youth is wasted on the young.
