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woman does thing, is happy. society burns.

*skips all those days twice as much, loves her life*

Even in his telling of the story, he admits that he didn’t go back to pick it up til confronted...

I have two dogs! Just the other day I realized my partner had left me without bags and used 2 leaves and a straw I found on the ground to clean it up because I would be mortified if anyway saw me just stroll away from it.

I get the feeling that Randall’s neighbor had been habitually not cleaning up after his dog and the neighbor filed the restraining order to make himself look like the “victim”.

The Aristocrats!

I have a dog and I agree. Even my dog gets disgusted when she has to walk around other dogs poo on the street.

You shouldn’t smear dog crap on your neighbor’s door, sure. But also, you need to pick up after your dog. That’s part of what you sign up for when you adopt a dog.

also I know that they harm ocean life - and I think we’ve done about enough to those poor bastards, yeah?

Once again, dogs are better than humans.

Fun fact mineral based sunscreens are effective and unlike Oxybenzone based ones, aren’t absorbed through the skin. Oxybenzone in particular is a problem for young children who don’t yet have the enzymes necessary to break it down once in the body.It also bleaches coral reefs.

I’m pretty sure the reason her sunscreen didn’t work is that she didn’t include enough zinc oxide/titanium dioxide to have an effect. And the reason they did that was because people get fussy about thick, white sunscreens.

You first, peaches.

You just don’t understand that “we don’t focus” on discussing defence mechanisms, because the entire culture has been shaming women for centuries and there is really no further need to tell us how to be careful - we effing grew up getting to know all possible ways of being careful. This is just an myth (I know you

If women are much more likely to be raped by someone they know, your ‘criminals will prey on the weak’ advice is not especially helpful, is it?

This is Bilbo Waggins-Burglar of socks.

This is my dog. I know he strongly resembles a cat, but he is insistent that he is a dog. He has fallen in love with dogs through the window, and likes to go outside to greet the neighborhood dogs when they go out for walks.