He wasn’t. Keythe Farley voiced Thane. Adam Baldwin voiced Kal’Reegar.
He wasn’t. Keythe Farley voiced Thane. Adam Baldwin voiced Kal’Reegar.
My best Final Fantasy memory: beating the game with only one Black Belt, killing the other three party members in the first fight and never rezzing them.
Naomi and Mei Ling’s voice actors were the same in both versions—they just changed the accents to Standard American. (They’re still Jennifer Hale and Kim Mai Guest.)
Coverage of indie producers (of games or other content) can make or break their products. Sometimes one blog's coverage is enough to propel them to stardom. What is it like to know that you can literally make a small group's dream come true—and how do you balance that with providing content people want to see?
Ick. Had a look at his blog.
Thanks for the heads-up.
The article isn't about the people S. James Schaffer mentioned. It's about hate speech. Why did Schaffer choose to bring up this other topic? It reads as defensive to me.
Another amazing Decipher CCG was their take on The Lord of the Rings. The game sunk after its first three years (playtesting became an absolute joke, all the money went out of the tournaments), but I still have very fond memories.
I'm glad he did.
I don't have demographic information here, but I'm male, and I'm annoyed at the imbalance.
Because we get too many male characters, and we'd rather see a better mix.
If they haven't already, they need to add a Death Stare Luigi animation (perhaps a victory animation) to the new Super Smash Bros.
I'm always a little leery of games that charge you to change gender. While on a rational level I understand that it's a cosmetic change (and cosmetic changes are okay to monetize), it makes me a little uncomfortable that I'd have to grind just to be able to play the gender of my choice.
It's a real shame. He comes off as someone trying to unload responsibility. He even amended the post later to give the people he named an open forum so that they could defend themselves, but why attack 'em in the first place?
I'm just wondering why saying, "I don't like a really popular game," is a source of pride for you.
I'm not entirely sure why you should be proud of not playing a video game—as if it's some sort of achievement—but I can agree with you on the Smash Bros.
Well, there's also The Opera, a mod for Half-Life that was specifically designed to replicate the feel of Hong Kong Blood Operas.
Thanks again!
The series is completely scripted; it's definitely not a reality show.
Yes! The first season is in post-production and will all be available on YouTube, at this channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkHl…
I had to switch away from VLC (which works as advertised) when I realized that its colour balance is way off. Look at the blacks in VLC compared to, say, MPC-HC, and you'll see—not all playbacks are equal.