
Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

My take on the trademark thing was that she just didn't want fast fashion chains like Forever 21 and Wet Seal to sell clothes with those phrases on them. Which they absolutely would have, and probably put them on TSwift lookalike mannequins, with high waisted sequined shorts and bright red lipstick.

Many restaurants heat their plates to keep the food from cooling down too quickly. You see the server carry it with some kind of protection (gloves, napkins) and are told to be careful because it’s hot. But some people only believe what they feel with their own hands.

“I work at a pizza restaurant in New Haven...”

Lies. You work at a restaurant in central Connecticut that serves something that alleges itself to be pizza but is in fact a pale imitation of the dish by that name commonly available a hundred miles in either direction to the east or west.

Upon my return to her table, she meekly asks me, “Can I have a glass of ice, please?” Wow, my first please from her. ...Wow, a thank you, too....she finally figured out not to screw with restaurant servers. The best part, they left a huge tip too, well in excess of 25%.

They also owned slaves, declared slaves to be 3/5th a person, sure they were smart....250 years ago. How about we stop acting like everything they wrote is exactly as relevant today as it was back then.

It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they

I honestly feel sorry for the people that are so paranoid, terrified, and have so little self confidence that they must ABSOLUTELY carry a weapon.


Don’t forget the NRA! They work mostly to ensure that gun manufacturers make a profit... So it’s also good for them to rile up the base with this “only a good guy with a gun...” nonsense. Sometimes I doubt they even believe it.

There is a happy medium at home defense and hunting that civilised countries have long ago figured out, but here in ‘Murica, yahoos want to carry assault rifles into Wal-Mart.

I’m all in favour of the Second Amendment, provided it applies only to guns that existed at the time the amendment was ratified. No centerfire ammunition, semi-auto, double-action revolver, none of that.

You don’t even get a percussion cap (invented in 1807), so good luck killin’ folks when it rains.

The safest thing you can do is live your life, unashamedly, and stand up for yourself because you are great.

I lived in that ice-crusted devil’s butthole for three years. I thought that Seasonal Affective Disorder was a bullshit thing for people who wanted to get out of shoveling snow, until I moved to the UP and wanted to drink myself into a six-month coma in November because I knew I wouldn’t see a blade of grass again

Every so often my mother asks me “When are you going to settle down and give me grandkids?” and my answer is always the same: “When the Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl.”

Fans in Detroit are encouraged to send fertility drugs and condom-poking push pins to my girlfriend.

Haven’t read yet, but wanted to just say thank god for the timing of this. Need a brain cleaner right now.

Shorter version:

Heartbreaking for anybody who likes racing on any level. Sounds like he was a top-notch guy, which only makes it worse. Godspeed, Mr. Wilson.

All his fans are wishing the best as well!!! I have no twitter account. I like seeing all forms of drivers and platforms wishing his family the best. Faith restored in humanity.

This is a special kind of fuckface asshole. God, what are his actual chances of getting reelected??