Seeing the second safety truck pull up to Karam, almost stop, and then tear-ass off to Wilson’s car put an exclamation mark on how serious Wilson was.
Seeing the second safety truck pull up to Karam, almost stop, and then tear-ass off to Wilson’s car put an exclamation mark on how serious Wilson was.
And how far the piece flew after striking him shows the force with which it stuck him. Without even seeing anything up close, that turned my stomach.
I watched it live (delayed a few minutes on DVR to avoid commercials), NBCSN did as good a job as they could in my opinion, given the lack of actual information.
Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest is one of the top trauma hospitals in Pennsylvania. They helped Bobby Allison recover from his head injuries at Pocono in 1988. That helicopter is one of Lehigh Valley Hospitals own. He is being given the best chances possible in his time of need.
OK, just saw something sick. Someone was just blaming Sage Karam for what happened. I mean, now is not the time to put blame on someone, especially since it appears that Sage just lost control.
I’m going to go ahead and assume you’ve never worked a customer service job before.
Thanks, Seventeen, God knows there aren’t enough avenues encouraging teenagers to act like sociopaths.
Now I’m a bit worried that the barista is going to get some blowback on this. I mean they used a fake name, but if Starbucks can track down the jerkface customer, it’s a short hop to figure out who the server is. I’d rather not see them get fired because some corporate tool doesn’t like it when the wage slaves vent…
The scammer needs a punch in the throat just for using the phrase “easy as pie” with such a bullshit complicated order.
Didn’t we establish that the minimum balance on a starbucks card is $5? *Checks* Yes, yes we did.
there seems to be this sense that men can’t have anything to themselves anymore
Well, yeah. Arbitrary gender roles don’t enforce themselves. It’s not about how anyone feels, it’s about The Way Things Are Done.
i don’t think we have to listen to the opinions of anyone who is willingly dating Dave Navarro in the year 2015.
You really need to lay down an electronic trail of FILTH. Just the most extreme stuff ever, and watch your parents for reactions.
Not to excuse or downplay sexism in Tech or Finance, but these are the kinds of stories I really, REALLY would like to see more of in women’s spaces and for feminists to grapple with. I get that its hard being a woman making $100k a year in a job where a man makes $129k, and that it really sucks when some bros want to…
Having worked for male dominated companies for most of my career, this sort of thing happens way too often. It’s amazing how the men who do these things deny them and are convinced that the woman was asking that sort of treatment. The levels of delusion and assumption are staggering.
It is sort of like Fox’s insistance that there’s a war on Christmas.
I had someone on my fb once stated that 100% of children who were available for adoption were actually adopted. To which MP replied, “Pray tell, wtf is the foster system then?” and what followed were friends adding, “And aging out?” and “which kids?” and “at what age?” and “welp, problem solved!” and ... it was a…
Man, that thing would be ripped out so fast if that was my kid. Administrators can meet with me to talk about it. Fuck that noise.
i went to catholic school