
Don’t you mean

Epidurals are a gift from God. I’m not religious and I’m pretty sure I said, “THANK YOU JESUS!” after my epidural kicked in. It truly was glorious.

Amen to that. The only thing I snarked in my head over was

Here are two sad stories about Bill Kurtis. 1) He was filling in on a Topeka TV station in 1966 when an F5 tornado hit. He became famous for yelling “FOR GOD’S SAKE TAKE COVER” but maybe he saved some lives that night. 2) His son was mentally ill and Bill and his wife bought some land so the son could have a lot of

You should check out Cold Justice on TNT. It’s really good.

I have been to Disneyland once and it was the worst experience of my life. My kids were 3 and 5 at the time and we took a stroller. My wife’s family that we went with are Disney Nazis that had a crazy itinerary for each day and plan and other bullshit. We walked 14 miles one day. It was like Bataan. If we didn’t have

ME TOO! On HLN there is a show called Forensic Files that I watch every night before going to bed. It is awesome!

The Wife and I often go to bed at different times. She’s usually asleep by 9:30-10 and I can’t fall asleep ‘till sometime later than 11.

So I'm not a weirdo! I will straight up go to sleep to 48 Hours Mystery playing on my iPhone.

I really love shows that talk about forensics. I love the science, and it’s interesting to see that so many forensic pathologists and people who deal with death and grossness for a living are women.

I haven’t really watched any of these true crime shows since the “Autopsy” specials with Dr. Baden on HBO went off of the air. I preferred that show because it was mostly science-based. Yes, they showed unedited and gruesome crime scene photographs, but they only spent about 10 minutes on a case for every hour long

It’s streaming on..Hulu or maybe Netflix..or it at least it was. ANYWAY: It’s HILARIOUSLY bad. Basically, someone says “oh my house is haunted”. A home inspector (my favorite) Brian comes out and looks at the list of complaints. Like “Door opens on its own”. He’ll check out the door and normally chalk it up to cats

I have no idea. But I’ve lost countless Sundays to sitting on the couch and watching every damn “Wives With Knives” or “Killer Babies”..doesn’t matter. If it’s on the ID Network..I’ll probably watch it. Same with Oxygen’s “Snapped” (my MIL loves that series).

My other go to why the fuck are you watching this?

This reminds me of a good friend of mine who is the friend of a friend of the man who tried to rape me. He told me it was a very good thing I hadn’t said anything to the authorities. Because I’d screamed loud enough to be heard by neighbors, had visible bruises and broken skin from fighting him off, and had reported

As the father of two young girls, I cannot imagine. I do not want to imagine actually. The first thing that came to mind reading this (envisioned it really) was running a sword through Howard Lotte’s chest.

Thank you for writing about this. I remember in the 7th grade that there was an 8th girl, kind of popular and already developing, who was rumored to be “having an affair” with the PE teacher/football coach. I remember at that time that we blamed her - that we thought she was a “slut,” that we though she had enough

It was the entire airport trying to load BCO at the same time...

A kitchen directed by John Woo

Wait, waitwaitwait, hold the fucking phone... “Try” waffles? As in you’re a waffle virgin too?

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff