Charlie Zulu

Z4 passenger seat was nice. Surprisingly little leg room. Cool looking interior, even though this was the first gen model. Decent ride quality. 5 out of 5 stars.

Second DougCar: flatbed tow truck.

Congrats Pagani, you made a new Beatle!

Came here for the 88 mph jokes, left satisfied.

He should have attempted to Dodge the *building*. Not sure how he failed to avoid hitting it; there’s a giant Neon sign on the side. Maybe he thought it would be better to Ram it? I thought that Stealth would be important for a traveler through time and space but this guy isn’t hiding in the Shadows. I guess going on

“Excuse me, your honor - the YOUUTHSS...”

Pretty sure he Orlove’d that lambo dude, because of one of these. Hopefully he has a CarFax warranty. Wouldn’t have happened if he had a miata!

You can sell anything ‘special ops’ or ‘tactical grade’ to baby boomers who never actually served.

They did offer a G-wagon “Professional” which was a stripped out version that was half the price, but still expensive at around 50k USD. This was not offered in america....

Mercedes G-wagen. Originally designed as a brutish 4x4 for the roughest conditions, now it’s an expensive luxo-cruiser for soccer moms. Still very capable but 90% of them ever see anything more rugged than gravel.

I didn't exactly ask permission

If you’ve watched a Jalopnik video this year and enjoyed what you saw, thank Nicole. She and the rest of our (relatively tiny!) video team busted ass all year to take Jalopnik video from scratch to something amazing.

treat every other driver like they are trying to kill you.

Part out?

Hey. I’m glad you took the comment the right way. I also like your comment about keeping the bike under you! :)

Didn’t Tango & Cash already do this?

That thing can’t carry even one of my tires.

Sam Elliott (spokes person) inspired! Truck Yeah!

Needs moar diesel.