
Were people paid adequately for those scripts? Open submissions tend to pay rock-bottom rates to exploit writers hungry to get exposure.

I don’t see the resemblance.

Vodka? /s

Why support nationalized healthcare for your employees when you can replace your workers with robots?

This is just standard “won’t somebody please think of the children” politics. This tactic is used by politicians all over the world to distract from complex problems that don’t have a quick fix solution.

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Kids are a wildcard factor when working from home.

Since we are talking about flavors...

After spending the weekend there, Sasha’s on to her next stop: Arkansas’ Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge.

Smoothing algorithms tend to add frames to produce linear movement. It can look unnatural because the majority of motion in nature is more dynamic due to physics. When things move, they speed up and slow down at different times. Animators replicate this by unevenly spacing the frames.

The closest living equivalent is Ryan Seacrest.

I’m skeptical. The world has changed a lot since he left The Daily Show and it isn’t clear if Jon Stewart has evolved to meet that challenge.

Chinese parents might get better results from a subscription to Hip Punishments.

They continue to ignore the past because there is a trend among communities to believe they have more right to an IP than the actual owners once it goes out into the world. It ignores the realities of creators trying to make a living.

The weird part is that Jimmy Fallon considers Corden to be his biggest rival for the same target demographic.

They taste more like Chicken in a Biskit. Shrimps crackers are also known as prawn crackers or shrimp chips. There are 2 distinct kinds. The first that most Asians think about are this:

Sounds about white.

Fun shapes decreases efficiency and profit margins. The promotional video actually say that it will revolutionize the industry with “unprecedented margins” to attract investors.

You don’t have to watch the show to be against a horrible person getting a slap on the wrist for abusing his power.

Your “it was a long time ago” excuse ignores the unethical manipulation of the host selection process as executive producer. On top of that, he has a history of sexual harassment and discrimination allegations. This pattern of abusing his power over the years disqualifies him from the executive producer role.

Prosciutto is a type of ham...