It doesn’t help when the catalog centers around live service games. You can’t expect continued growth once the player base reaches a saturation point. Most people are not wired to play the same game forever.
It doesn’t help when the catalog centers around live service games. You can’t expect continued growth once the player base reaches a saturation point. Most people are not wired to play the same game forever.
I’m not sure why keep recommending kabocha as an alternative to pumpkin. It is just sweet, starchy, and slightly nutty. You can get similar results with a sweet potato pie, and sweet potatoes are significantly easier to prepare.
Don’t forget about ethnic markets if you are looking for a staple that is sold out elsewhere.
I’m surprised at the level of incompetence. You would think a company valued at $29.5 billion would have the ability to bounce back from a server outage within 24 hours.
The worst holdouts are the unvaccinated healthcare workers. They actively disbelieve the science even though their work is centered around getting patients to trust the science.
Since the show has the shifted towards more reality show nonsense, I suspect Prue was told by the producers to say the line. The delivery of the line could be interpreted as her quietly screaming inside.
It is still a tough sell because the audience for this type of experience is still niche. The people that care about high production values have already settled into their home theater setups.
My contempt for Olivia Munn began with her tiger mom segment on The Daily Show. As a Vietnamese American, her support of tiger mom parenting and the associated stereotypes was offensive. When her mother spoke Vietnamese during the segment, the subtitles were intentionally mistranslated so that the lines would fit…
Comedy roasts in general are quite pointless these days. Social media has made an entire show about insulting famous people obsolete.
It is also a libertarian dream to create a voluntary society on the ocean that is free of government rule. The rich investors are in denial about how it is only one step removed from having a volcano lair.
Are you referring to the ones on Netflix? Those are made by Mainframe Studios. It is the Canadian computer animation company that made the cartoons Reboot, Transformers: Beast Wars, and Transformers: Beast Machines.
I don’t know how I feel about having a German week that focuses entirely on desserts. Bread is a big part of German baking and was awarded the title of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2018.
Have you been living under a rock? The truth matters now more than ever. The anti-vaxxer rhetoric had similar origins. Look at the damage that has caused to society.
It wasn’t even that long ago when Sharon Osbourne showed her racist ass on The Talk and had to leave the show in disgrace.
It doesn’t work that way. There is a trading tax in New World. Every time money is exchanged between players, a portion of the sale price goes out of the economy as tax. Whenever a transaction happens, the seller does not get the full amount they listed. This is a very old and common system in MMOs.
Why anyone would want to implement taxes in a video game is beyond me.
The stressful part is troubleshooting when something isn’t working as expected.
Maybe this is a calculated distraction to distance herself from the Cats movie.
It wonder if Netflix hired some astroturfers because the freeze peach brigade is copy/pasting from the same script without any variation.