It is just legalese about brand confusion. Normally, this would just result in a cease and desist letter demanding that the seller revise the product name and product description to avoid infringement. This stuff happens on Etsy with customized products or accessories to an existing product.
It is worse than that.
The reality is even dumber than your guess.
This is my primary reason for avoiding Genshin Impact. I’ve played many gacha games before and it always ends with me getting fed up with the endless treadmill and scheduled fun.
The NFT sketch was a missed opportunity for a topic that deserves mocking. Instead, they created a bland PSA that tries to be cool with its pop culture references.
The pacing problem is an artifact from it being adapted from a stage play. It works better if you can marathon the entire season in one sitting.
The animation on Robot Chicken never clicked with me. They rely on certain stock gestures and poses that always broke my immersion.
The Transformers fandom knows this. The amount of snark on the Transformers Wiki would be considered vandalism in other communities.
This is what I imagine “white boy summer” was supposed imply:
This lawsuit is unlike anything they have ever handled before. This is not a private individual that might be forced to settle or go through arbitration. This complaint has a broad scope that covers the concerted efforts of the entire network. It dismantles the performative separation between news and opinion, a…
The Dominion lawsuits are having an effect on the outlets that want to dethrone Faux Noise.
It’s a shame that few people write middle grade books these days. The YA boom has swallowed up most of the market.
This reminds me of going to visit relatives as a kid and noticing how the same TV networks are on different channels.
People also need to weigh the hidden costs of moving to states like Texas. Texas is still experiencing power outages. People have died as a result of this free market experiment with utilities. On top of this, the Republican leadership is trying to blame this crisis on renewable energy.
I remember Katrina Johnson’s impression of Ross Perot on Nickelodeon’s All That.
My intention wasn’t to impress. I actually find the chaos very upsetting.
Babar: Cornelius, rally the troops. Tomorrow, we march on Rhinoland.