
Does quitting Twitter matter if you still use Instagram?

I find it surprising because Reggie is no stranger to staying with a company through tough times. He stayed with Nintendo during the lean Wii U years when most would cut and run.

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There are limits to education. You have to develop an intuitive sense through experience. Experience is key to how locals navigate the chaotic traffic in Vietnam.

Roundabouts do not follow the binary traffic rules that drivers in the US are conditioned to learn. There is more fuzzy logic involved because you have to pay close attention to what other people are doing and judgement calls about right-of-way rules.

The gameplay sounds a lot like Puzzle & Dragons.

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Jacques Pépin has the best advice for this topic.

I doubt those excuses are sincere.

It is especially consequential if the show is built around a positive atmosphere. Knowing what happened behind the scenes encourages people to scrutinize the footage. You begin to notice all of the silent screams that leaked through the forced smiles.

I wonder if they will bring back product placement. I found it a charming detail.

Don’t forget about all the crytpo-bros.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising is the real BotW ripoff.

The promotional video games were certainly a... thing.

It’s always complicated between John Constantine and his exes.

Ignoring the offensive elements, there is still a huge flaw. Bad sex can make an awkward situation worse.

That was intentional. Disney was hoping it could become a franchise and wanted to establish brand recognition from the start.

Celebrities have a much lower bar to clear than the editor-in-chief at a magazine. Celebrities only need to entertain. Journalists need to build trust.

After what happened with the BA test kitchen, it is pretty clear that Condé Nast does not care what the staff thinks until it becomes a PR problem.

I shudder to think of an internet without references to The Simpsons.

If she was a celebrity, it would’ve been sufficient.