
The Vietnam war ended and people have moved on.

It’s ribbed for her pleasure.

The animation is so cheap and ugly from someone that has money to spare.

I’m reminded of the hype machine for his album, The 20/20 Experience. There was a tidal wave of support by both the industry and fans for what was in hindsight (ironic) a very lazy effort. In interviews, he claims the creative process just happened organically (translation: he was just winging it). The entire album

Thank you for the thoughtful response. I was worried that the original comment wasn’t very interesting and changed it at the last minute.

Let’s not forget about him contracting COVID, and possibly spreading it, because he refused to stop touring.

This reminds me of the old sauce/gravy terminology divide among Italian Americans.

McDonald’s franchise owner: Water it down some more.

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Another invasive fish that is also worth eating is the northern snakehead fish. It is one of the species that officials recommend that you kill immediately. It is an aggressive predator species that can breathe air. This allows the fish to wriggle across land and jump between different bodies of water.

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This still isn’t as crazy as adapting this:

Increasing the encounter rate wasn’t as useful in Bravely Second. In that game, they added the “Bring it on!” mechanic let you fight battles back-to-back without returning to the map. Chaining battles together generated a bonus multiplier for money, exp, and JP that was far more efficient than having separate

The character designs have always been chibi/cartoony. The move towards HD graphics and lighting on the Switch has ditched the soft cell-shaded look of the 3DS games for something that is more plastic.

It sounds like you are describing the encounter mechanic of Wild Arms 2. This was further developed into an encounter gauge in Wild Arms 3.

How appropriate.

I was surprised to hear his show being described as a loss leader. That is an insult to Costco rotisserie chicken.

John Smith: ...but welcome to Handforth.

The differences are in terms of quality control. Name brands care a lot about consistency to build brand loyalty. Many have a “gold standard” that everything from the factory needs to emulate. If it has too many imperfections, the rejects are repurposed for something else, such as animal feed.

They are falling back on the “safe” topics since they are facing a huge lawsuit.

I can’t see this as something fun. Transdermal implants are one of the riskiest things to do in body modification. They are pieces of metal held in place by coaxing scar tissue to form around them. The risk of infection is very high since the site is open to the environment.