Wendy took care of him already.
Wendy took care of him already.
Tex Avery did it first.
I want to know if she still can take out a giant spider with a magic tomahawk.
If you aren’t saving any money, would people want to clean containers that you don’t get to keep? Isn’t the company obligated to clean these containers (before reuse) in order to meet food safety regulations?
This reminds me of the aesthetic debate between catgirls having either 2 or 4 ears.
Other cultivars are still grown. We just don’t see them outside of the tropics very often because they are easily damaged during shipping.
The comparison isn’t going away because there are way too many similarities to simply brush aside as mere genre conventions.
I could ignore that stuff if the writing didn’t have some clunky lines.
The overall style doesn’t feel unique to me. It reminds me of newspaper comic strips, but with more digital coloring.
How would you rate the animated series?
It is not advisable to hold onto a short position for the long term. Short selling is very time sensitive because they don’t actually own the stock. They pay interest to borrow it for these shenanigans. The longer they wait, the more interest they end up paying.
With his giant arms, how does Chris Redfield find a coat that doesn’t rip to shreds when he flexes?
I can’t find any clarification. Is this 21st Century Fox (Disney) or Fox Corporation (Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports)?
Cheating wouldn’t be as widespread if GameFreak stopped trying to inject the games with so many features/mechanics that are very annoying due to rarity.
It all started with Red Letter Media’s takedown of the prequel trilogy. At that point, too many fans started caring way too much about whether or not anything could live up to their nostalgia.
As an outsider, I see it as a result of nativism and the pacifying side effect of British stoicism.
It started when Steve Bannon said this:
People often misunderstand how the ancient Greeks related to their pantheon. To them, the gods weren’t unknowable beings. They were seen as powerful forces of nature with human flaws. The ancient Greek worshipped these gods with the understanding that they were capricious and may not answer your prayers/offerings.…
Kermit needs to be careful. He might be a puppet rapist.
That scene was so unexpected because she is part of the religious caste.