Here is an interesting detail from the linked Vox story that is worth mentioning:
Here is an interesting detail from the linked Vox story that is worth mentioning:
Prank calls seem tame compared to the public trolling the Oregon militants.
The biggest challenge with farming bugs is ensuring they do not escape the farm. The last thing we need is an invasive bug problem.
A few weeks ago, inspired by this article about baumkuchen, also known as spit or chimney cake, I checked out Luisa Weiss’ Classic German Baking, which contains a recipe for a modified baumkuchen that doesn’t require a rotisserie. The cake takes approximately three hours to make, and it may be just the project I’m…
Every time I look at recipes for cornbread stuffing, I wonder if there isn’t an easier method. The concept of making cornbread only to mash it up into crumbs for stuffing feels needlessly labor intensive. It used to make sense when cornbread was a daily staple and having leftover cornbread to use in stuffing wasn’t a…
As a stress eater, it always confuses me to hear about the opposite end of the eating spectrum.
It is difference in the ratio between surface area and volume. Slices will never have that characteristic surface because they heavily favor surface area for faster dehydration.
Have you ever tried dried Fuyu persimmons? The sugars rise to the surface during the drying process. They aren’t pretty but people like the concentrated flavor. They are also used in a traditional Korean dessert punch.
This explains why they never caught on as a commercially viable crop, despite being native to North America.
At least we were spared the “Spoopy Season” version.
If I were a spiteful person I would say fuck you and vote for Trump or not vote at all
This sounds like a nightmare for Alex Kellerman.
I’m glad she embraced this week’s theme for the showstopper with an actual Japanese recipe.
It doesn’t work this way with video games. If you buy a game digitally, you still have access to that game even if the distribution rights lapse and it gets delisted from the storefront.
The last picture makes me wonder if Quaid’s disguise went rogue.
Spray and Pray TV
...the big scary thing of coronavirus showed up...
I’m typically not a person to fawn over celebrities, but Paul Rudd is an exception. How the hell does he manage to be so effortlessly magnetic?
Fondue is also made with a liquid (traditionally white wine) so that you can actually dip things in it. Pure melted cheese is too viscous, and the solids have a tendency to separate from the fat if you don’t add something acidic as a stabilizer.