
I wish I could warm up to Dave Grohl but my first impression of him is tainted. Back in 1994, California’s ban on smoking inside restaurants and other workplaces was on the ballot. Dave Grohl came on to MTV to mock it by smoking on the air. I’m sure he has mellowed after becoming a parent, but that memory still

I’m not angry. I’m just annoyed.

...cook everything in a big chimney-like upright cylinder over coals.

In hindsight, they are cut from the same cloth. The narcissism is strong in the Kardashian Klan. That is probably why Kim married Kanye (beyond having a “K” name).

Garlic presses have fallen out of fashion these days because many people find them annoying to clean. If you don’t care about releasing the juice from the garlic, you can get similar results by grating garlic with a microplane.

How long till EA cranks out a Korea-themed expansion? Can’t leave that money on the table.

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My personal favorite is Brainiac Maniac.

A psychic that doesn’t ask to be paid in advance? That’s how you know Madame Vivelda isn’t messing around.

Why does he want to inherit a fortune in debt to dangerous people? This is really about getting daddy’s love and affection.

That was such a dumb move. All it did was remind people about Donvanka.

The other types aren’t really eaten as an everyday staple. They are more like specific specific side dishes served at a meal.

There have been many attempts to replicate Zelda games over the years but interest in them has never lasted beyond the initial release. The reality is that they are deceptively hard to make.

It was trap, and Biden knows not to take the bait. You cannot afford to get sidetracked in a debate. His goal was to hammer down on topics that conservative media actively tries to suppress. Without any canned responses from these outlets, Mango Unchained is caught off balance and unable to fight back.

Wednesday will definitely have opinions about witches on TikTok.

It’s become more of a search engine optimization term in porn.

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Meg Whitman is Quibi’s CEO? It’s good to see her crash and burn. I remember when this snake tried to run for governor of California and lost badly.

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That eldritch horror must not be resurrected.

To be transformative, it has to be an activity that cannot exist without the game. I would point to gameplay as this defining factor. For example, speedrunning cannot exist without the associated game.

Streamers should really consider archiving VODs and clips outside of Twitch if they really want to preserve it. Twitch is not in the business of keeping stuff around in order to preserve the “live stream” aspect and minimize DMCA notices.