
The classics never go out of style. A nice horse head mask is well worth the investment.

I hate-watched all of them out of boredom. That still wasn’t enough to hold my attention. I found myself constantly fast forwarding to remedy the glacial pacing. Some of them had some interesting moments, but all of them felt half-baked.

I’m surprised that the bridesmaid was able to sneak out of the stall quietly. Noises in bathrooms tend to echo because there is nothing that absorbs sound.

It seems like people aren’t drawing a line between being open to a comeback and being interested in his projects. I personally don’t have anything against Michael Richards. I just didn’t see him having anything interesting to offer beyond the character of Kramer.

I can’t help but be skeptical about the claims that these are edible/tasty. The dark arts of food styling are not to be trifled with.

I don’t know, but canon is flimsy when time travel is involved.

Their slate of pilots is growing.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers try to fake out the audience by introducing numerous situations where he almost ends up in a wheelchair.

I dislike prequels because a lot of beloved characters are only interesting because they have a past that has shaped their personality. If you go back to their origins, you strip away a lot of what made them compelling for a boring blank slate, and you have to pray that the writers can reconstruct these characters

It will most like end up as a lackluster Funko Pop.

When they snapped the pool cues, I thought they would try to stab each other with the splintered ends. I loved the self-inflicted injuries from the dueling crosses.

I was always more interested in what was going on with the adults. Their struggles with getting older and unresolved issues from their youth were a nice way to highlight the changing times.

I beg your pardon, but “The Fortune Teller” is a strong contender for worst episode. Unlike the other reviled episodes, “The Fortune Teller” is built around plot contrivance to throw red meat at shippers. It doesn’t even veer into “it’s so bad it’s good” territory because it is so conservative in its approach.

I’m intrigued by the battle system. My bigger concern is whether or not battles will feel optional like they did in Color Splash. I enjoyed my time with Color Splash but battles eventually became a slog because you needed to keep buying cards, and leveling up didn’t matter.

I can still remember eating cantaloupe from the farmers market years ago. It was truly fragrant, like flowers.

Banh Mi for Washington makes no sense. The majority of Vietnamese Americans in the United States live in California.

I was not expecting to hear about Israeli scientists looking for ways to farm shellfish. In a country where many people keep kosher, the scientists seem to have a rebellious streak.

The thoughts of stand up comedians can go to very dark places after they they bomb on stage. It wouldn’t be hard for them to channel these emotions into horror.

“The May prediction shows a letter V and a letter E which shows we will have a double celebration during the upcoming bank holiday.