
Publishers of free-to-play games will actually ban kids for doing that. Cardholders will dispute the transactions, triggering chargeback fees against the vendor. Credit card companies will levy severe fines against vendors if they have a high chargeback frequency. The last thing a publisher wants to do is incur the

“What are you talking about. He’s not a wildcard. He’s a card you get on the top of the deck that has the instructions on it so you throw it away..”

I liked the physicality of Colin knocking two people out with finger guns.

I’m surprised more people haven’t commented about the mysterious appearance of the painting. Colin clearly created it with his newfound power to stir up some trouble at the house. When Colin said “It begins...” from his room in the basement, I started to put all the pieces together.

Another annoying “cup” issue is the absentminded person that leaves cups all over the house but always grabs a new one to get a drink. When it gets really bad, there are no clean cups available when you need one.

You don’t have to become a vegetarian just yet. Their spicy chicken sandwiches are still available.

It seems that you are expected to cook them till they are dry and crunchy like cereal.

This is a lot more effort than making cornflakes from scratch. Cornflakes are relatively easy to make at home. You just need cornmeal, a few other pantry staples, and an oven.

Christie is pushing the Republican talking point about reopening the country to save the economy.

Hope you get out of the grays/greys soon.

It is hard to pinpoint the origin of dumpling skirts but they are a fairly recent idea (possibly a decade or two) compared to the hundreds of years people have been making dumplings.

I’m more surprised to see Japanese people not giving a damn about what other people think. While the culture has grown more accepting of self-expression, this is just plain consumerism. It is unusual to see this in a society where people are socialized to “read the room” and have an appropriate response that avoids dra

We have in Brazil a similar problem with some Churchs that gets rich with donations from the flock, mostly really poor people who don’t have internet or banking.

Lemongrass is one of the easiest things to grow. It is a very hardy plant that can grow in most places. If you live in a colder climate, you can still grow it in pots and bring it indoors or in a hothouse during the cooler months. Pests and disease aren’t really an issue. It grows fast and propagates quickly if it has

Making giant food has been a thing on YouTube for a while now. I find many of these projects boring because the process to embiggen everything often creates a final product is just a novelty rather than a tasty variation on the original.

I gave it a shot but it feels too much like an aggressively inoffensive morning talk show.

I have a dumb conspiracy theory.

It looks like the victim was killed by an Stand User trying to blend in.

I tend to use cooking chopsticks more than tongs because they are easier to clean.