Luke’s kids are also older, creating different dynamics.
Luke’s kids are also older, creating different dynamics.
Fish sauce adds flavor but it doesn’t add saltiness the same way salt does after being cooked. Vietnamese cooks will use both in a dish if it is needed.
His favorite example to illustrate this was pears in caramel sauce.
How do they intend to get any usable footage out of this? The homeowners will be too tired and frustrated to worry about things like camera lighting and whether or not their faces are too close to the camera.
I like carbs but this seems to go a bit overboard. Potatoes, grain, and beans don’t seem like a harmonious marriage. They each have different cooking times and textures that create a battle royale for starch supremacy.
There is more to SoCal than just LA. San Diego county is a “little” cheaper but offers an entirely different culture.
You can’t help but be suspicious whenever cryptocurrency is involved.
Why are people worried about beans? The sugar thieves are everywhere!
That show, Julia and Jacques: Cooking at Home actually started airing in 1999 on PBS. It was inspired by the format of her previous cooking shows during the nineties. It all started with In Julia’s Kitchen with Master Chefs, then came Cooking with Master Chefs: Hosted by Julia Child, and finally Baking with Julia.
In other words, these polls have been rigged to mislead the public.
There is a segment about hot cross buns on Nigel Slater’s documentary about the history of cake in the UK.
People also thought the same thing about Julia Child. I remember when she showed people what was in her home refrigerator on TV, it was very mundane. There was a chunk of ham that she mentioned was going to be used for ham and cheese sandwiches.
I never looked at the Morton Salt logo closely before. I didn’t realize she was was spilling salt everywhere. I guess it is cute but I imagine a budget-conscious mom would be peeved at her.
I suspect Nintendo did this with the Wii classic controller and Wii U Pro controller to avoid possible disputes over active design patents. They specifically put both analog sticks above the D-pad and face buttons so that it would be distinctly different from both Sony and Microsoft’s controllers. Those design patents…
In 2014, Shut Up & Sit Down released the essential guide to overcoming the worst thing about board games: how to explain the rules to your friends.
When I owned a bakery we used SAF Instant Yeast for everything, because no one has time for dead yeast. Alas, it’s not available in most supermarkets (though you can order it online)
Has she tried okonomiyaki? While most recipes include meat, vegetarian versions are still good.
Windwaker is one of my favorite games from the series. Unfortunately, it has a lot of island names to choose from. I eventually decided on Windfall since it is a town with a lot of colorful characters.