
Last week, I played Paladins of the West Kingdom solo. I noticed that I play a lot slower than normal since the AI can be quite challenging if you don’t try to anticipate how it can ruin your plans.

*looks at YouTube recommendations*

Voting them out of office isn’t enough. All of these evil people need to go to jail for their crimes. Their casual cruelty is too dangerous for society.

The flat ones are called rolled dumplings. You basically rolled out the biscuit dough and cut it into rectangles before simmering. If the cook is feeling fancy, the dough is cut into diamond shapes.

People tend to call them “rolled dumplings” because they are made with a biscuit dough.

It is a digital implementation of one of the most popular board games of last year. It has won high profile awards and drew the attention of mainstream news outlets like NPR. Last year, the game was perpetually sold out despite regular print runs to restock it at retailers.

That brings back memories of Metroid Prime 3.

Roux isn’t simply an extender. It is used as insurance against a sauce breaking. Restaurants make vats of sauce for faster service and cannot afford to simply remake it if the sauce ever breaks.

You have a  lot more discipline than me when it comes to perishable ingredients. I have trouble remembering to use up fresh produce like kale before it goes bad.

It won’t be exactly the same, but you could substitute pumpkin seeds if you aren’t allergic to them. There is enough going on in the dish that this swap wouldn’t make much difference.

There is nothing wrong with frozen shrimp. The majority of shrimp is frozen right after being caught because they only stay fresh for only a couple of days.

Martha Stewart has a matzo pie crust recipe.

The small models are the “mini candy bars” of home appliances.

My grandmother is Asian and a wonderful cook. Asians don’t use big wooden spoons to in the kitchen.

I’m surprised “grandma’s big wooden spoon” didn’t make your list. I still don’t understand why some recipes insist upon using one.

It can be hard to differentiate because it has been a particularly bad flu season this year. There is a limit to how much information can be gleaned from questions without conducting further tests. Tests cost money and can be time consuming. Physicians don’t run test unless they are necessary.

I guess this teaches the troop a valuable lesson about capitalism.

This might clear up the confusion:

They define their lives not by their current autocrats but by the rhythms of the seasons and of the domestic sphere, of growing gardens and foraging, of time spent with dear friends and family.

China’s reluctance to release more information is just causing more fear among the population. These precautions could also do more harm than good. The surge in the use of disinfectants and hand sanitizers could potentially result in more antibiotic resistant strains of harmful bacteria.