
How did they handle IVs and EVs? I always found EV grinding so boring.

Now playing

It’s not as elegant as Doritos Consommé.

Some prefer glass because you can look underneath to see if the crust is fully cooked.

*Vegan tries a bite of Snoop Dogg*

This isn’t surprising. Many of us grew up seeing what happens when people buy into the “work hard, party hard” pattern. It is a stressful way to live that often leads to long stretches of being miserable and all-too-brief moments of unbridled joy. This often leads to ridiculous things like rebelling against the world

I assume they were regulars. They already knew how everything operates so there weren’t any awkward moments where people were fumbling to get things done.

LaCroix is such a weird brand. It is an American company with a French name, and the flavors are written in Spanish with English translations.

Coca-Cola says it began with a list of 800 possible flavors, then tested 50 combinations before landing on these eight flavors.

Carla Hall’s recipe for chicken pot pie ditches the pie plate in favor of getting a flaky bottom crust.

This is only one step removed from a reverse bowel movement cam.

The Chinese government’s disastrous attempts at population control have created numerous problems including family dynamics where parents spoil their children. I have little doubt that this plan to control families on a more granular level will also backfire with unintended consequences.

If they can get both your name and order wrong, they can put it into the wrong cup.

Indomie is always a safe bet. The Korean brands are highly dependent on the amount of heat you are comfortable with.

People often forget how her costume is also quite revealing from the back.

They’ve tried work slowdowns before only to end up eating crow.

This reminds me of an episode of Top Chef where Tom Colicchio was upset that the contestants didn’t know how to make pie crust for a challenge and produced lackluster results.He went on a rant about how he learned how to make pie crust as a kid to imply that it was easy. I wanted to slap the smug off his dumb face.

I am skeptical she was ever a good person. The common thread in her personal history is one of money and power. If she was truly disillusioned from what happened with Newsom, she would’ve sought a quiet life away from the limelight of politics. I have little doubt that she has spent her life saying and doing anything

The dinosaurs were so much better than the robots.

I remember getting one that was for using at the beach.