It’s an attractive deal until they raise the cost of a Prime membership again.
Microsoft threw money at Xbox until it became a viable brand. I don’t see how that won’t work with Mixer. For better or worse, streaming has become a fixture of video games and integrating Mixer with the Xbone successor could be key to differentiation from the PS5.
I completed the Halloween facility the first time around and thought I was set for this repeat. A couple of days ago I realized it can now go up to level 35 due to the increased level cap for facilities. Thankfully, I have been able to quickly stockpile the materials that I need.
Kirk has talked about attending a music college and his history with making a living through music. He stepped down from being the editor-at-large at Kotaku to pursue more of his passions with music.
The savory one is called Xoi Man or Xoi Lap Xuong (Kinja won’t display the diacritics without making it too hard to read). Some translate is as savory sticky rice or sticky rice with Chinese sausage. Here is one recipe if you want to know what is it commonly made with:
I’ve only eaten hominy in a very humble Vietnamese dish that never appears on restaurant menus.
I’m Vietnamese American and I can confirm your assertion.
I need to stop putting off upgrading my license to the REAL ID one so that I can get on a plane in the future.
That reminds me of “Hot Dogs a la Rose” from Aarti Sequeira’s Indian mother, Rose.
Game Freak also uses these games as on-the-job-training so that their employees can gain experience with different development roles.
These streamers to need seriously consider diversifying their streams while they still can. They put all of their eggs into the Hearthstone basket and don’t have anything else to fall back on.
A state governor has the authority to call on the national guard if deemed necessary. The national guard is trained for missions that last 15-60 days, but this power outage is estimated to last 5 days. Calling the national guard right now would be overkill.
Shutting everything down seem unlikely. Most of the sites are quite successful. Splinter is arguably the weakest link. The writing there was going downhill. Any personality the community actually liked has already jumped ship. It is hard to grow a site when the community has to regularly excoriate the writers for…
As a kid, I preferred sour candies over chocolate. These days, I don’t favor one over the other.
Aren’t we supposed to X-ray it first to check for razor blades and syringes?