
He is actually facing the hardest part of this journey. Weight loss follows a logarithmic curve. Early on, it is easy to shed excess pounds with very minimal effort. Over time, you have to put in a lot more effort to move the needle ever so slightly. People often get frustrated by the plateau and lose motivation.

I’ll take trash candy over a box of raisins.

I wish the coating didn’t dissolve in my hand, covering my hand with food dye.

Now playing

Children tend to act up when the pan is on the stove. That’s why Latinx mothers use a different method.

Players in China might not like the change, but what can they do about it?

My reply was also dismissed.

Your whataboutism is tiresome and misses key differences. Even if we don’t like many aspects of trade relations with China, we still benefit from it through affordable consumer goods. That is the only reason why very little has happened on that issue for decades. Everyone gets something they want from the transaction

The cosplayers could also add protest symbols into their costumes.

Sticking with Blizzard at this point isn’t worth it in the long run. If the company keeps bending over backwards to appease the Chinese government, their games will suffer. Best to get out before the games you love become a shell of their former selves.

*Corporations furiously write notes about your brand loyalties.*

Liquor licenses are for selling specific types of alcohol under specific circumstances. Third party delivery services open up a legal gray area because the license only covers the restaurant making the deliveries.

Why is that divan attached to the ceiling? Does this room double as a sex dungeon?

A few years ago I bought a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons books to play with my sons since they were creeping up on their teenage years...

It’s a shame that the pdf doesn’t have any designer or artist credits.

You don’t need to press before freezing. The order should be freeze, thaw, drain, and cook/season. This is how frozen tofu is used in Chinese hot pots. With this order in mind, you can just keep tofu in the freezer for this application without being locked into a certain flavor ahead of time.

I’ve never had kedgeree before, but after looking at some recipes, it reminds me of the leftover mentality of fried rice.

When people study income trends, they adjust for inflation. Does this study also filter out other possible factors that could skew the data?

You would probably struggle in Japan. They actually like foods with a slimy texture.