
Chips aren’t really designed for melting. They are made with emulsifiers so that they retain their shape while baking. Without them, they would disappear into the cookie dough while baking. People would then question whether or not you used them in the cookies.

If you are interested in having fun with like-minded people, check out themed cruises. They are like conventions on a boat. For example, if you like playing board games, you can go on a board game cruise. Most only take up a fraction of the cruise ship’s capacity so you can wander around and do other stuff that isn’t

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I’m more shocked by “served in a trough, family style”.

Personal projects like these are also how many artists update their portfolios.

I like white chocolate, but it can be hard to find these days. Even a fancier chocolate brand like Ghiradelli sells the “white baking chips”. The 4 0z baking bars are still white chocolate, but they are often expensive for the amount you get. These days, Trader Joe’s seems to be my easiest option if I want to get

The “sawdust” description makes me suspect that he also prefers white sandwich bread over other types of bread.

...its most vocal critics claim they associate with leaky basements or wet socks.

That is understandable. I debated between expanding the scope of the conversation or staying close to the topic.

That doesn’t eliminate the emotional trauma when someone is forced to break those rules out of necessity. The cultural stigma is so strong that some people would rather starve than break them.

Walmart is approaching Kmart levels of sadness. People don’t shop at Walmart because they want to. People shop at Walmart because they have to.

He adds that it’s a constant challenge to interpret dietary law in light of modern technology, and that while “there clearly is a biblical statement that the purpose of the dietary laws is to separate us, it’s not up to us to draw the line.”

(Note: “room temperature” means the magic temperature between hard as a rock directly from the fridge and greasy after sitting on the counter all day. It should be soft and pliable, like Play-Doh, but if it veers toward melty, it needs to go back into the fridge posthaste.)

Do you still go through the motions of vigorously mixing everything in the bowl?

Government operates at a snails pace because there are so many gears turning all at once. Things are happening but they are just too glacial to produce satisfying results right away. Democrats had to take back control of the House just to get these investigations underway and expose the corruption.

My memories of Brawl Brothers include the the bombastic music and long load times.

Homemade dog food recipes are so disconnected from what dogs really need. I saw one that had rosemary. Dogs do not care about herbs and spices. That is an entirely human preference.

Do you want the random rule? ‘Cause that’s you spread the random rule.

The biggest con is that there used to be a reasonable cup size call “short” (8 ounces) that was discontinued. Instead of bringing that back, they kept adding larger cup sizes. Indoctrinating both customers and staff to use the branded names for the sizes also keeps people from being mindful of how much they are

You could get into the broader hobby of modern board games. They are in the midst of a golden age right now. Big box retailers like Target have noticed the growth and responded by expanding their selection of designer-driven board games. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, you can find a local board game group

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Japanese kids learn to make curry using store bought curry roux. There is even a children’s song to help them remember the steps.