
Pixel art also has a tendency to create choke points in iterative workflow practices.

In old school Chinese recipes, you will often see the “stir in only one direction” rule for combining ingredients. It often appears in recipes for making dumplings because it applies to mixing ingredients for the wrapper and mixing ingredients for the filling.

Why does every recipe for mayo use mustard? I typically don’t like mustard unless I’m making a curry that calls for a spice blend with mustard seeds.

A lot of vegan mayo recipes use silken tofu to get the desired consistency.

I first saw this method on infomercials during the 80s when immersion blenders were a new gadget.

How does the ice compare to the 7 pound bags sold at 99 Cent Only Stores?

I now have a craving for mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Void weapons have delayed the need to do that for quite some time.

There is just one problem with the “clean your plate” method. Many people are poor at gauging reasonable portions for children. Many adults don’t recognize the “full” signals their bodies are giving them because they have been conditioned from a young age to keep eating till everything is gone.

It also touches upon something people forget as they get older. Everyone has at least a few things that they don’t like eating. Only a small fraction of people are actually willing to eat anything.

I wonder if the groaning is a side effect of having a UTI or passing a kidney stone.

It must have taken a lot of patience making all of those panels. There are no real shortcuts to placing them one by one on the peg boards. Getting the right curvature on the panels while still keeping them sturdy for a costume is not easy.

Not necessarily. Some of the games on the eShop are just ports that may not have accounted for text size while playing in handheld mode.

My 98% complete save file for Planet Robobot taunts me because I can’t complete True Arena.

I don’t understand why people think it is so special. Looking closer at the recipe, it is really just a chiffon cake flavored with a scant amount of cream cheese.

The mindset of ‘I got mine, fuck you’ that i’ve seen from some gamers here is the mindset that is going to result in this thing never reaching the userbase it needs to shake up the market

They are just making it up as they go along. If people can willingly accept this in Kingdom Hearts, there is no incentive to actually do things differently.

It is more about quality and personal preferences than particular flavor profiles. Low quality brands are watery, very salty, and offer little depth of flavor.

What you are describing is very similar to the mechanics of Chunsoft’s Mystery Dungeon games.

Unfortunately, the definition of “one soda” is changing.