(I just bought a 12-pack of Vanilla Coke yesterday so I’m not exactly trying to defend being anti-soda)
(I just bought a 12-pack of Vanilla Coke yesterday so I’m not exactly trying to defend being anti-soda)
Will you also emphasize on the YouTube video that you aren’t wasting food and will somehow eat of all that mess?
I like most Jolly Rancher flavors except grape. Grape is one of the most boring flavors for any type of candy.
He isn’t even a native English speaker. It takes a lot of practice before a racial slur in a foreign language becomes ingrained into your emotional reflex vocabulary.
I got the sense Bourdain was wined and dined at the finest restaurants, practically showered in Perigord truffles and Romanée-Conti Grand Cru, but he found a million times more satisfaction in a perfectly seared fillet of sole with lemon and browned butter.
The campaign isn’t really about getting a fake game. It’s actually about supporting his YouTube channel. Contributors are in on this joke.
That’s how I feel about bell peppers.
The Kirby series is also great for young children. My 5-year-old nephew loves playing Kirby Super Star on his SNES Classic.
A lot of people still have to worry about managing data caps imposed by their ISP.
I suspect is arose due to the public’s obsession with the nutritional content of food. That is how we ended up with suspect claims about the health benefits of dark chocolate and red wine.
Molecular gastronomy is just a buzz word created by pretentious chefs. Food science is what you are describing.
They’ve also been listening to player feedback and added features to ease up on some of the progression bottlenecks.
This reminds me of when people talked about a possible revival of low polygon models as a retro aesthetic. It was supposed to follow a similar path as all the indie games that brought back sprite based graphics.
Jerry Falwell Jr. implying he will shoot with a gun anyone who tries to take any of his one hundred cows.
When you go before Congress, you are also testifying under oath. It is a legal minefield to go in unprepared. Preparation requires expensive legal counsel.
I don’t understand all the fuss over garlic. It is tame compared to things that truly reek like fermented shrimp paste.
His greatest achievements are keeping morale high when Nintendo was going through hard times. Going to E3 when you don’t have much news to share is rough. It’s easy to do big things when things are going well. The true test of leadership is how you weather a storm and make a comeback when the wind changes direction.