
Don’t forget the “Nitrogen in Tires fees ——- $500”

MS is selling junk, consumer PCs. If you want good quality PCs, go for refurb Dell / HP business or engineering workstation laptops.

MS is selling junk, consumer PCs. If you want good quality PCs, go for refurb Dell / HP business or engineering

No one wants to address the elephant in the room. High costs, high demand, low resources, broken patent system, overworked FDA etc. etc. Congress, drug companies, FDA, lawyers are all sleeping together.

My ex-teammate fresh out of college, making about $75K per year, got a brand new Audi A4 at that time. He probably could afford it being single and all that but still.

She looks more like Mama April. Also, I think fat people have no credibility.

Our household made $160k+ last year. Starting this month, I canceled my Obamacare policy for me and my wife. Kept my son’s policy intact as he uses it routinely. We weren’t using it much and the premium went from $300 to $700 over the last 2-3 years. The deductible went from $1500 to $6000 per person.

Best State: Where no one wants to go.

Fapflix anyone? I know it’s wrong.

ummmm Mac is hardware, Windows is software.

Delete your cookies.

Does this happen in a corporate environment where everyone is educated and experienced? I haven’t seen this personally and assuming it happens more in smaller offices.

regulation schemgulation

Hotline to Satan for $243K.

This is different than “single moms” wanting to f me in my zip code right?

Slow news day?

Sounds reasonable. Verified by Dr. House

“In a galaxy long long ago, far far away, I had a meeting with accounting that should have been an email...”

Yeah, the poor thing had to step out in the real world due to the election and everything.

Impeachment will happen but for that Trump has to piss on enough people that matter. Right now he has only been pissing on Muslims, Mexicans and the weak.